Friday 1 April 2016

Initial Double Page Spread construction

My overall image of my contents page would be a smooth and slick design, the white/silver background would mean that the consumer would be able to easily see the text that i have made black to contrast the background. I have changed both the size of the font and the colour of the font when making the numbers to indicate which page is located and at what point in the magazine. I have made the font italic also to make it look more professional the font style has remained consistent throughout the magazine contents page and changing it would be seen as unprofessional and would go against the house style. Overall i believe that the title of the page is very simplistic however it would only need to be that, the contents page is to be more informative than anything and therefore i did not feel the need to manipulate the text greatly however i did in fact use a gradient overlay and i warped the text in adobe indesign. 

My double page spread would be a A3 sheet, I have then cut the page in half as this would be a convention that I have seen in many double page spreads when researching magazines similar to mine. As you can see by the screen shot to the left there has been no background on the right hand side of the spread. I would need to ensure that i choose the correct background as it would be vital to pursue my house style. I have chosen this image as it shows my actors full body and would be the most representative image of my target audience. the trainers that my actors are wearing would be very popular brand called Jordan, this would be a very luxurious brand however and this would go for the fact that my actor is a well
known artist and therefore would be able to afford these items. I have then added a background for the right hand side of the page. I have made a white background with once again the black paint brush which i had done previously with my contents page to make the background look silver. I have then added a large "K" in the middle of the right hand side of the page and then made it red. making it red would make the "K" more striking and would make the consumer acknowledge the fact that that is the beginning of his name. lastly I have then Added a very large title to my double page spread, this
would be effective as it would be the first thing the consumer would see and therefore it would be crucial to allow the consumer to know what it is the article is about and who it is based upon. I have made the title a combination of colours all of which would be in my house style. I have used a gradient overlay on one of the text boxes to distinguish which word is the most dominant, this word would be "New York" as it is where the actor is touring. I have also added the social media logos again in the bottom left hand corner of the image. this would be similar to my front cover where i used the same logos which I manipulated to make them all white and all the same size.

Overall my double page spread would look very professional and realistic compared to a real media product. I believe my house style is apparent throughout the whole magazine with the same colours, fonts and font sizes being used through out the magazine. I have researched many different music magazines all of which would have similar layout to my double page spread. I believe that i have used my title to good effect as it it large and also very easy to read, the colure would make it stand out form the white background and therefore make it look more professional and it is more functional. My content for my double page spread would be an interview that is based upon my character going on tour in New York.

This is the full Transcript :

Interviewer - Kai first and foremost it is a pleasure to be talking to you and thank you for being able to take time out of your busy schedule to sit down and have a conversation with us. My first question would be, what is your opinion on your quick rise to fame and how much has it effected your life?

Kai – My quick rise to fame has really taken me by surprise, it has only been a couple of years since I started making music and already I have grown a large fan base that has supported me through allot already, their support means allot to me its like were one big happy family everyday I am able to converse with a large audience that support me and have high aspirations and have high standards of me. My twitter fan base allows me to interact with allot of my fans and I would say this has changed my life completely, I am now able to live care free knowing me and my family have a considerable financial backing, this was one of my career goals, to make my family struggle less and allow them to enjoy life knowing that I have made it in my career, I also think “My new found fame has changed the game” existing artists such as Drake and Kendrick Lamar have a new competitor and this is good for the genre of Hip-Hop as it gives people more variety of who they want to listen to I believe my fame proves that anyone from and background can achieve allot in this world. “I’m from Ealing I’m not supposed to be this famous” I come from humble beginnings, even with this new found fame I enjoy the things that I used to do with my friends when we were younger, riding bikes in the park doing wheelies, playing GTA and staying up for hours with my boys, just playing. These little things make me who I am and those people would always be with me as they are what make me the normal Kai Williams and not this rapper thug as some people sees me as.

Interviewer – Seeing as you’re a successful artist who has just released a new album, what is you’re opinion upon J. Cole and his new album: 2014 Forest Hills Drive?

Kai – I believe that J. Cole is a very talented musician and he deserves allot more recognition than he gets, it takes a certain level of intelligence to fully understand the lyrics to some of his songs which I believe is a huge advantage to have a very intelligent audience such as J. Cole because it allows him to interact more and gain a better understanding of what his fans would like to see from him. Without being rude I believe to many rappers have a fan base that is only interested in the rush they get by listening to the music, and not fully understanding of what the artist is trying to say to their audience weather its telling a story or inspiring someone its something that people should take into consideration when listening to a new album. I think J. Cole has taken rap to a new level with this album, the songs such as “no role models” and “wet dreams” are such good songs that it really doesn’t matter if your not a fan of his but you will end up putting the songs on your iPod or Spotify playlist. My personal favourite is “Tale of two cities” as I believe that is one of many great singles on that album that can relate to the most people and have a strong message whilst still being very powerful and entertaining as a song 
I also believe that Kendrick’s new album “to pimp a butterfly” has a similar message, although this album has been getting a lot of hate towards it I believe its just what the worlds needs and it Is a refreshing change from the average rap album, this album would be a countertype to the assumption all rap is filled with vile language. This album is the closest thing to tupac we will ever see. 

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