Friday 29 April 2016


When looking at the process of constructing the magazine. The process contains various usages of technologies which has a large impact on my final piece of the product I have created . This includes using variety of editing and performing several skills. However, throughout this process I had also gained more knowledge from practising these skills, which has increased my ability to perform them. Those technologies have helped to develop my skills even further due to this course.  

To begin the production process after doing my research, I have started by taking photographs. The camera used during this process was DLSR camera (Nikon).  The camera was set on an automation setting, which helps me to run the photoshoot more smoothly. By doing the research before hand it allows me to be able to achieve the composition I would like to have. Due to the room being well equipped I was able to use the lights within the room as well as the curtains, which were used as my background. Additional equipment I have used is extra lights lamp to really make the photographs meet the high standards. By using the lights I am then able to change the light intensity and the light direction to gain the best possible images for my magazine. From my basic knowledge of photography, I was able to set up some equipment as such the extra lights. However In contrast, I don’t know about the settings very well as I have not been working on the product for long enough.  In this process, I would say I find the most difficult thing was trying new different settings on the camera. It was the best and ideal to stick with using the automation mode. 

Photoshop is an image manipulation software which allows users to create, edit, manipulate and construct various images that can be used for anything from professional website designs to posters. In my opinion my main noticeable strength is using Photoshop. Personally, I am quite familiar with the basic structures as I have been using Photoshop for around three to four years. By having this knowledge it allows me to produce the task in higher standards. This has created effects to my work by being able to edit the picture as how I planned it. This suggests that I have a better understanding of how to use the software. The advancement level of Photoshop is quite complex. This would be because Photoshop has different tools for different purposes. Therefore this is a huge advantage for me. While editing I was aware of how to use those tools and how it would suit my purpose. This would be available to see through my final pieces where I made them look presentable and professional. Those tools have helped me reach the high standard presentation of the three pieces. Those following methods are some examples of what I did to produce the three pieces; in terms of filters I was able to make changes of the photographs by adjusting the level of brightness. This is done to make sure that the pictures look even more professional. In order to meet my aim, I also had an experiment with changing the exposure as well as the colour gradient.  The colour gradient tool’s job is to change one colour to another. Another significant change I have made is luminosity to make the photograph black and white. On the other hand, even though I am aware of the instructions for most of the tools, there were some challenges I faced when using Photoshop. For example, a corruption has occurred during process of editing, as a consequence I was unable to edit some part of the texts. 

I had then used Adobe InDesign, This is a construction software, which allows professional material to be made using features such as guidelines and default publishing pre sets such as a pre made. This particular process has benefitted me greatly when making the magazine as I was easily able to construct a music magazine with features such as the ruler tool, this tool allowed me to structure the page correctly an make my magazine fit the requirements of existing music magazines. Adobe InDesign is a great software for implementing graphical content in which I have created prior to placing the image in Photoshop. With both software’s being Adobe products this has made it much easier to access and move the files from software to software. Overall these two adobe products are very easy to use and also made my final outcome look more professional.  

When presenting my work I have used multiple different software’s, firstly i have used Prezi, Prezi is an online presentation software that allows the user to create imaginative and unique presentations that can the be viewed by any one on the website. This website is extremely good for making presentations that are effective in demonstrating information. I was able to input images, text and animations to make my presentations both interesting and professional. The website its self is free to use and is easy to access from any computer. Another software I used to present work is slideshare this, like Prezi, is a presentation software that allows the user to present information in the form of a slide show. This software like prezi makes it easy for users to make professional looking presentations, I have used slideshare to show my final images I have selected for my first front cover, contents page and double page spread. 
Another piece of technology that I have used is a questionnaire making software called Survey monkey, this survey was conducted three times by me as I needed to find information upon my specific target audience. Although I have used it three times I was able to create a professional looking questionnaire on every attempt. The software gives the user different question choices and different possible ways for the consumers to  answer the question. This gives the best answers as the questions could be a variety of multiple choice or yes or no questions. Overall I will say that survey monkey is a extremely good software to gain results from as it is made easy by the templates that can be used for an additional helping hand.  

Pros & Cons of Technology –

When making my magazine I have been creating the process of making, research and finally the evaluation on a blogging website called blogger, this website is very good for regularly updating and maintaining order of my research, construction and evaluations. The website also give me up to date analytics and statistics as to where my blog is being seen all over the world, this is useful as I can keep up to date with which areas my work has been targeting. However although this is really good and makes my job easier to blog there is some down sides to this, It means that I will always need internet connection to produce my work without this internet access I will be unable to update my blog regularly and therefore fall behind on the coursework.  This could also be a benefit as having the blog on the Internet allows me to access the blog from anywhere at anytime. This was crucial in the making of my blog as I was able to spend as long as I like to make the 
blog as good as it could be late at night when I work most efficiently. 

Issues of technology used –
Overall I have experienced little to none technological problems the process of using these software’s was very smooth and did not take much effort to use,  the presentation software’s are extremely easy to use and  get started along with the available free accounts I did no take long to set up either. `However there is one problem I have encountered which is the lack of knowledge I posses in regards to the software Adobe InDesign. I was unaware at the lack of fonts and the lack of manipulation tools that I recognised and previously used. To ensure I was not stuck with this problem for to long I decided to watch a video clip on YouTube that explains how to use Adobe InDesign.  The link to the full video is below

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