Tuesday 19 April 2016


 When starting the contents page I believe that I should use the same colours on my front cover on the contents page, these colours would be a combination of red, white and black. I have chosen a bold font with a gradient of red and white. And have added a small grey underline. I have centred the title of the contents page as it will be the first thing that the consumer will see.
 Here I have chosen to use small black boxes that are created by the rectangle tool. I have then chosen the colours black and white to create contrast and also I have chosen same font, this runs with my house style as I have used the same font in my magazine font cover also. I am yet to choose an image of my actor and therefore I cannot get a good idea of how the image will look like.

 Here I have chosen the image of my actor which I then use the magic wand tool to delete all selected surroundings of the original image, I then decided to use the eraser tool to erase the left over parts of the background image. This gives the image a more professional look and applies to the current codes and conventions as normal music magazines are very professional and will not have mistakes like this 
 I then made my image the blending option luminosity, this makes my image black and white which goes with my house style of having the colours black and white as an existing them throughout the magazine. Also changed the hue and saturation of the image to make the actor seem less dark.
 In this screen shot I have added small numbers alongside my main image, this is going to show the contents and on what page they are on. I have decided to make these numbers red as the main title for the contents page is also red therefore it is a pattern and a house style. I have then also decided to make the numbers the same font as the words on the side of the magazine. This gives y magazine a more professional look as it does not look to dissimilar with a combination of different fonts, I have then chosen to keep all of the fonts the same size however they are not perfectly aligned. And they will go with the outline of the main image. 
 Here I have added a larger number and also the page number to the main article which is going to be my double page spread. I have decided to use the language such as “Exclusive interview” to gain the reader’s attention and make them feel special and exclusive when reading it, I have made the actors name bold again as it shows importance and also that he is the vocal point of this issue of the magazine as it is separated from the rest of the contents. 
 I have now added a quote on the side of the main image that the actor is going to say in his interview for the double page spread. I have once again chosen to use the same font as both my numbers and my content dividers, this is to match my house style. I have then also made one word out of the quote bold and italic, this will show the importance of that word and that it is significant to my actor.
 I have decided to use this as another method of house style. I have made an alternate Curve logo that can fit in the corner of all of my pages, this will provide continuity between my pages and look very professional a house style item like this will be usual in existing music magazines and therefore will be able to show my magazine can compete with current existing brands.
 I have now added the front cover logo to the contents page, this will be effective as it shows that the contents page is still part of the magazine. The size of the logo is not too small and not to large as the consumer can read the logo however does not draw initial attention away from the contents masthead. I have also added the date of the issue like the front cover of the magazine as it shows consistency and I have seen this multiple times on a variety of different rap/hip-hop magazines.
I have now added the front cover logo to the contents page, this will be effective as it shows that the contents page is still part of the magazine. The size of the logo is not too small and not to large as the consumer can read the logo however does not draw initial attention away from the contents masthead. I have also added the date of the issue like the front cover of the magazine as it shows consistency and I have seen this multiple times on a variety of different rap/hip-hop magazines.
When constructing the magazine in the software InDesign, I have used the same proportions and dimensions as the front cover, I have then created a layer of text boxes that will I will start to make into the text for my contents page. I have firstly decided to get the text in the right order and also to make sure there is consistent distance between all of the text. I am using the guidelines on InDesign to makes sure that my text is aligned and in order.

When looking at the final product I believe that the names that are in the text do not stand out well and they are at the same level as all of the other text, however I think all other aspects of the magazines contents page look professional and look like existing music magazine contents pages.
In an attempt to make some of the words stand I decide to use InDesign to make the names of the artists in bold and italic, I also increased the height of the text to make the consumer see the name of the artist from further away. I also made the contents page more personal as I downloaded the font that Drake uses on his album to recreate the “6” logo that drake uses. I then also ensured that “TRAPSOUL” is in all capitals and bold as this is how Bryson Tillers album is titled.
I have then used the same idea of Drakes “6” logo and used Kanye West’s Yeezy logo to place onto the contents page have made it bolder and also have aligned it with the rest of the text. To place this image I had to use the place tool and then search for the image I had downloaded. This process was easy and makes my contents page look more effective.

When looking at the work I have constructed on Adobe InDesign I can see that I have made a professional looking music magazine contents page, I have applied by the codes and conventions by including my house style, colour schemes, image manipulation and consistency. I believe the image is very striking and attracts consumers to read the contents page. I also believe the use of cover lines make the contents page look like a professional music magazines, the words I have highlighted show important parts of the contents page that the reader would be interested to see and not the rest of the text which may not interest them. The highlighting of text allows for the consumer to read a very small amount of the writing however could still be interested in the magazine due to who is in the magazine for example; Drake


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