Monday 18 April 2016


From looking at the following print screen that contents pages in rap magazines are quite varied, The colors are a range of white, black, blue, orange and red. I think that this gives me a large choice of what colors I can use on my contents page, i can see however that most of the magazines i can see have a white background with a black text, this combination has also been used on the front covers of many rap magazines, I will have to implement this into my own magazine as it will be in the codes and conventions of the music magazines in my genre. One particular magazine contents page has appealed to me and this is the one with Kanye West as the main image. This contents page is black and white and looks extremely effective as the picture is not to dark and the blending options are very effective as the image is clear, there is also a hand that goes over the shoulder of the main actor, this person is white and the arm looks feminine, This once again shows that women are objectified and seen as a accessory to men as the women is not a main part of the magazine contents page and is there to make the man look desirable and impressive. I can also see that the page overall is quite dull, as there is a limited amount of colour on the page, but with a heavy amount of black text it may be more interesting or an image that will grab the readers attention will take the attention away from the lack of colour. I can see that the names of the artists on the contents pages are either in bold or stand out more than the other words, I say this is to allow the reader to know what artists are in the magazine which could attract them to buy the magazine. I will implement this into my own magazine as it will make my magazine abide with the current codes and conventions in a rap magazine. The rap magazines that I have researched have a very limited amount of image manipulation applied to them, the images themselves have had lighting effects added to them, this could be implemented into my magazine as in my school facility I have a professional studio setting which enables me to change the lighting of the scene and lighting of the scene.  

Planning - When looking deeply at the features that I will need to include in regards to my contents page, I have seen that all of the contents pages that I have researched have a majority of a medium or long shot, these types of shots allow the consumer to see the majority of the actors body and allows features such as Mis-en-scene to be more effective.

I will firstly look at the layouts of some double page spreads as this is vital for the the front cover to look professional and like other existing music magazines, I can see that I will nee to ensure that y image does not cover up any of the cover lines that are on the contents page. this ensures they my audience can read the features in the magazine without making it difficult for them to know what contents is on what page. I then will include a center of visual interest, this is in order to attract my target audience as they will be able to see my actor. In order to attract my audience with my image I had firstly identified that my audience like larger images, I have come by this information as it is part of the questionnaire that I had constructed prior to planning my magazine contents page. The contents page colors are similar to those on the front cover and also the double page spread, this shows a running house style throughout the existing magazines. Subsequently I will use this for my magazine as it will make it much more professional. With the colors being white, red and black again I will ensure to use this when initially planning my music magazine contents page. 

In regards to the layout of the contents page I have decided to make initial designs that could help me when making the contents page. The traditional layout design that I have developed to see when researching my magazine, I have firstly split the contents page into two sections with a large long shot on one side of the page and the feature list on the opposite side. The feature side will contain a large amount of text that will include all of the features that the target audience will like. The headline is very large and takes up quite a lot of space of the at the top of the page. The font is dark and is bold. This is significant and is something I will need to consider for my contents page as it makes it easy for the consumer to distinguish the differences between pages. Another way that the consumers will be able to distinguish the difference is through a small alternative logo that will be apparent at the bottom of the page. I will use this alternative logo as it is in a magazine called XXL and in my opinion looks very effective. I will also include some underlining, The underlining will put emphasis on important parts of the contents page. This is effective as is allows the consumer to skim read easily and to not miss any important points. I will also use BOW which allows me too place black images/text onto a white background which makes the images/text stand out much more.

When initially making this headline for my planned contents page I can see that it is very striking and imposing, The font is large and bold, I have seen this from many different magazines such as XXL and Vibe as both of the magazines contents pages have large headlines that make it easy for the consumer to read, I believe that I will do this as my target audience are of a younger variety and therefore will be in a rush in terms of education and part time employment and therefore will not have time to read the eternity of the magazine and the more clear the magazine the better customer satisfaction I will receive. I have chosen the colors Red,White and Black as these are the three colors that are apparent in my running house style. however have decided to manipulate the text as requested for in my questionnaire. I have added a gradient which does not limit the visibility of the text however may enhance it as it will make it brighter and easier to read.


In this screen shot I am identifying the layout further by including some of the features that are usually associated with music magazines. I have made one side of the page the main image that will both attract and promote my magazine. It will attract my audience as they will be willing to read the contents page more if the image is striking and is better quality. It will also promote as the consumer will be able to see what is included in the magazine. I have also decided to change the font in this screen shot to one that is more hipster and out there. However i do not feel as though this suits with my genre of music and I have not seen it during my research. It reminds me of a Mix-mag magazine which genre is club anthems. 

In the following screen shots I have started to show my ideas upon what images I am going to be using in my magazine, This image is of my actor making a pose as though he is deep in thought. The pose is effective as it could insinuate the level of intelligence my actor posses, Showing that the actor is deep in thought with a very serious facial expression may also show that he takes life quite seriously and is focused and determined about his life and his future. This image is the correct size to put on the contents page as the image can be made slim and therefore show the features on either side of him. This is effective and applies with the codes and conventions of a media product that is similar to mine.   

In my opinion this image will be better for a contents page than the one before, this image is much more slim and allows for the space of each side of the actor to be used for including features. The type of image is a long shot that shows the entirety of the males body, this shows various different props and mis-en-scene items that i have use. These items include; The shows, the hat, the bomber jacket, matching trousers and the black hoodie. The image shows my actor looking into the distance although this is quite cliche i think that this is effective in showing that my character is a has a very personal persona and takes life seriously. When comparing this to my research I can see that there is many magazine contents pages in my music genre that use similar poses that allows the reader to connect with the persona that the model is suggesting.    


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