Wednesday 20 April 2016

Double page spread image manipulation and construction.

For my double page spread I have chosen this image, this image is a long shot that shows the entire body of my actor, It allows for the audience to see my use of props and costume as the bright blue shoes are showing and also the hat is still clearly visible. Firstly to manipulate the image I need to use the pen too, and be very specific about how I use it, I want a white background for my double page spread and therefore need to make sure that no amount of access parts of my actors main image is showing, this will be unprofessional and not to the current codes and conventions of a music magazine.

After I have done this I have made a document that is double the width of both my front cover and my contents page, after using the pen tool to select my actor from the original image I have placed him in the left hand side of the initial double page spread.  
I then changed the colour of right hand side of the spread to an off white colour as I wanted the colours to be similar however I wanted it to be subtly different. My text will now be on the right side of the spread with the colour of the text being black, this will provide good contrast and make it easy for the consumer to read.

Next I have added a large rectangular black box at the top of the right hand side, I have achieved this by using the rectangle tool to create a box and then filling this box in with the bucket tool. I then copied this layer and changed the colour to white I then moved this layer down and made it look smaller than the black rectangle, I duplicated the layer as it would give me the correct measurements to the initial black rectangle. Next I have used the text tool to create a large “Q” letter. I then made it red and changed the opacity of the letter, I have seen this in my magazine research and I think it is effective. I have chosen the letter Q as it is the first letter of my actors name therefore has relevance. 
Next I have used the text too, again on both the black and the white rectangle, on the black rectangle I have used a bold font that is white and is in proportion either side of the black rectangle. I have used a white font as it shows clearly due to the contrast of the black rectangle. I then alternated the colours on the second rectangle so that the colour that is in the text is black, this once again would show more significantly and would be much easier to read. 
I have now added my house style in the form of the alternative logo and a page number, this is a running theme throughout my magazine and shows consistency throughout the magazine. I have also added a line through the middle of the logo and the page number, this is an added manipulation. I then will add a title over my main images head and call it cover story, I will make the text white however will also make a black rectangle that will show the text much more clearer.   

I then will change the hue and saturation of my main actors image, I have turned the colour green higher to increase the brightness of the jacket, I then changed the darkness of the actors skin, by doing this I have seen I decreased the brightness in the actors shoes I don’t want this as the actors shoes are bright and allow some differences in colour when looking at the actor, I also have attempted to change the font of the large “Q” in the background. By doing this I am looking to see if the new font looks attractive or not also it will look better. 

I now have changed the brightness to make the image more bright and even more green, it makes the image looks too green however I can alter this in the next screenshot, I also don’t like the large “Q” being a different font as I don’t believe that it matches the rest of the magazine, the curve at the bottom of the Q makes the font less aggressive and Rap/Hip-Hop magazines are notorious for this. 
I now have changed the brightness even further and I believe that I am now done for image manipulation on my double page spread, I have made sure that the trainers are still somewhat bright, I have also changed the hue and saturation to make the image more orange and less green, I believe that the image looks very professional. In the bottom right corner of my main actor, I have added social media sites icons that will allow the fans to know that Qaiser Mansha is on all social media platforms.

Here I have taken the manipulated image into Adobe InDesign, I have added a pull quote in the middle of the double page spread, I have done this as it applies to my research and the current codes and conventions of music magazines. I believe that the size is appropriate and that it stands out from the writing that will be added in later, I have chosen the colour black as it will stand out from the background colour of white, I have also done this to show that the rap/hip-hop culture standout and I believe that this pull quote stands out and can represent the entire rap/hip-hop community. I have used the same font as the title of the contents page as this shows consistency, I have also added a paragraph that will explain what it is Qaiser Mansha is doing currently in his work, it is an opening paragraph that allows the consumer to gain an understanding of what the interview is going to be based upon.
I have added the initial and opening paragraph to my work, I am testing the size and the amount of words I will need to fill up my double page spread, I believe that my double page spread will need allot of text that will be relevant and legible. I think that I will need approximately 6 questions to fill up my page, I will need to answer each question as my actor would. The questions I will be asking are;
How do you define success?
How has your age changed your music?
What are your earliest memories of music?
Do you believe that you are the chosen one?
Will you headline the biggest music festival in the world Coachella?
And finally, what advice would you give to aspiring artists out there?

I Think that I will be able to create some good responses from these questions that are both interesting and also make my character fit the persona of my target genre which is rap/hip-hop.  


Here I have answered all of the question in Adobe InDesign and have made the responses intellectual however also some parts are quite modern and use slang terms, although this will be a formal publication I believe that the character will need to look quite intimidating and rough on the edges as many artists are in his particular genre. The whole double page spread article is the following: 

Qaiser Manshah has taken some time off to be with us here today downtown in our offices overlooking London for a very special interview. Qasier, dressed in an all black outfit, with a rebellious hairstyle that looks typically modern. Seemingly unfazed by the questions ahead. He reached over the table offering a handshake followed by a deep voice that said “Shall we begin”  
How do you define success?
Well, I used to place a lot of weight on where I’m gonna be at in ten or fifteen years. But now I look at success as, where am I at now? Am I living my dream? Am I happy? That to me seems more equated to success. I mean I can have all the accolades in the world, but if I’m not happy then I’m not successful in reality. So for me happiness is the dominant factor of success.
How has your age changed your music?
As I have matured my music I believe my lyrics have   become more meaningful, I have begun to tell stories more about my personal life. I guess you can say as I grow yearly I see more clearly.
 What are your earliest   memories of music?
My earliest memories of music are my father. He used to play me old school jazz acts and old school artists. such as Frank Sinatra, I loved the unique sound and the way it connected with the audience, although different genres i take some of that in my music. 
Do you believe that you are the chosen one?
Yes, although this is an impossible question to answer really. If I say yes I sound arrogant and if I say no there is a lack of self believe, but in my opinion , The rap scene has benefited greatly because of me. 
Will you headline the biggest music festival in the world Coachella?
Yeah hopefully so, it will be a huge achievement for me, and I will be the first artist born in London to be headlining Coachella, That’s a dream come true for me.   
And finally, what advice would you give to aspiring artists out there?
Just don’t try. Speak from the heart, let it flow out as creatively as you can. Study all the time, listen for new albums all the time, fill up your whole tank with inspiration and let it flow out how it does. Naturally.

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