Monday 11 April 2016

Final construction of Free CD

 When looking at what I can do to make my magazine look more professional I can see that most of my music magazines have additional pictures that are on the front cover, so I will use this as a convention and add a music CD cover, this will go in my score I am planning to ad on my Front cover. I have chosen to use this image that is above as it shows my actors face, this allow me to manipulate the images in multiple ways. The image is also quite clear and therefore makes it easy for the consumer to see the CD cover when looking at the front cover of my magazine. The Image also shows the outfit of my actor, this could be used as mis en scene and also could appeal to my target audience as the outfit can reflect on what my questionnaire would say as it shows that my audience would like to see a dark background and also a rap/hip-hop magazine. This outfit clearly shows a hoodie and bomber jacket, two items that can be identifiable within the rap community.

 I have decided to use the magic wand tool in Photoshop to delete all of the background on the original image. This is because I don’t feel that the original images background matches what I would like to achieve with my final outcome, the background colour I would prefer to be white and I think the original images background does not look professional, this is not what I want my final outcome to portray as I would prefer a CD Cover that looks both realistic and looks attractive. I have also decided to cut the image in half using the Lasso tool in Photoshop. Then I have decided to make the background white just like over the shoulder of my actor to make it seem the whole background is white.

 In this screenshot I have shown that I have changed the blending option to Luminosity, this will make my whole project black and white, this looks effective and more striking for the audience. However I think that I will change the colour of the white background, as it will make is stand out too much from my front cover of my magazine that I am expecting to make predominantly black. I have also made this space as I am planning to put some of the song titles on this side. I believe that this complies with the current codes and conventions as I have seen this on other music CD covers.

 I have decided to change the left hand side of the image by making the colour black, this allows me to input text that is white which would contrast with the rest of the image. I have decided to call the album  “Q” I have decided to do this as that is going to be part of my actors persona on the front cover of the magazine and also the article on the double page spread. I have made the font bold and have added a full stop. This will go with the rap/hip-hop stereotype, as it is straightforward and direct. I prefer the colour of the background to be a darker colour as it looks more imposing and also compliments the text colour well just by looking at the initial design without the additional text that will come later into the process.
 In this screenshot you can see that I have added the names of the songs on the album, I have ensured to keep the same distance between each of the songs names. This shoes consistency and makes the CD cover look more professional as I have seen this to be an existing factor throughout my research. I have also decided to use a different font than the title of the CD. This makes the title clearer and more important as it different to the rest of the text. It is also a different size of font which also makes the CD title more dominant and more imposing than the rest of the text.

In this screen shot I have added a background image of  text that was originally black, I have changed the opacity of the text to reduce the boldness and not make it stand out as much, I would like this to be more subtle and allow for consumers to see this only when heavily looking at the CD cover in detail. The reason why I added this was that I though that the right hand side of the CD cover looked more empty than the right hand side. Therefore by adding this effect i have made the CD cover look more busy but have made it a similar colour so there is no clashes of colour when looking at the CD Cover.

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