Tuesday 26 April 2016


 When making my media product I have implemented various different techniques in order to ensure that I have represented my audience and particular social group. The specific target audience that I have aimed to target my magazine at is young adults mostly aged between 16 and 25. These people will mostly like having a vivid interest in music and more specifically people who are interested in rap/hip-hop music. I have extracted this research from my constructed questionnaire. 

For an example of how I targeted my specific audience I have firstly chosen a model that is of a similar age group. I have chosen a total of five actors all of which having the common factor of being roughly the same age, this age is between 17 and 18.  By having the models similar ages to my target audience I can say that it will make the magazine more personal and relatable. This will really make a difference in our readership as more consumers will be interested in the magazine if they see someone who is relatable on the front cover, the will feel they can read the article and compare lifestyles more easily as well as my audience being aspirers therefore will gain benefits from reading the magazine. I can relate this to a theory I have been learning made by Jacques Lacan and Carl Rogers, which is the ideal-I, and ideal lifestyle/partnership, which my magazine presents through the affluent style of clothing. also another way that I have made my magazine represent my audience through my model is that they are even more relatable as they will have similar tastes in music, this will make the reader connect more with the magazine and actor. The readers will aspire to be my actor due to the same personal interests as well as the powerful way he is presented in my magazine. I believe that my actor will be looked to as an inspiration as the character goes against the stereotypically normal representation of a young adult being a delinquent as said in the theory stated by Dick Hebdige that young adults are either fun or delinquents. This makes the reader more attached to the article and supports the fact that the actor has an inspirational lifestyle. Another way that I have targeted my audience would be through mis-en-scene.

My actor has a various amount of clothes on display on all of the individual pages of my magazine, Firstly on the front cover of my magazine my actor has a very serious facial expression, this again goes with Dick Hebdiges theory of some young people are delinquents as the actor in my magazines facial expression does not portray my actor to be having fun, It shows my actor to have a attitude and a more serious approach on life. This may target my social group, as the minority of people will have the same mentality of my actor, which suggests that my audience is represented as. The posture of my actor also represents my audience to being very serious and to not be scared to say what they are thinking, this makes the audience feel like they can relate to my actor as they may feel they can relate to what he represents and what he is showing by both his facial expressions and boy language.

My actor will also use similar poses on the contents page; I made the actor look directly into the camera. By having my actor do this it makes the whole magazine look much more intimidating and also more intimate between the actor and my consumer, The eye contact will give my consumers more of a personal feeling when reading the magazine as they will be able to relate to the actor much more easily as they could believe what he is saying due to his serious nature portrayed in the image.  

In the double page spread I am able to show my actors affluent lifestyle. This is due to the fact the image shows the entirety of the actor, this shows the whole actor with all of his clothing, I have chosen to represent my social group by clothing, clothes such as the bright Nike trainers are common in my specific social group as they are made by a famous and well established company such as Nike and also they are sporting wear, as my social group are of a younger age they will be more familiar and associated with good health and a healthier way of living. I have used a bomber jacket as this is also frequently used in the rap/hip-hop scene.

Another way that my magazine represents my target audience is through the language used in my double page spread, the language I used has contained some colloquial language, this will represent my audience as it is the younger generation and this means they will be able t understand words that an older consumer will not. I have used this as it makes my actor once again more relatable, if the younger consumer can see that my actor is not using correct or proper English they may see this as being more relatable and can create a bond between the actor and my represented social group. I have also used literary devices such as hyperbole's and power of three, I have implemented these into my double page spread as it will grab my target readers attention, it makes the article much more dramatic and this will draw the attention of the young readers as they will be interested in drama. I have then used a pull out quote which will allow me target my social group as they will be more interested into a motivational quote which can both explain the article and give the consumer a sense of idea what the article is about, This will attract them as they are able to relate to the quote and my social group being aspirer’s will take the quote and try to implement this into there own personal life.

When comparing the two different actors from both my magazine and from these issues of vibe i can see that my magazine front cover would not be to dissimilar from each other, I have decided to compare my magazine with Vibe magazine as this allow me to see the similarities as to how they have attracted their specific social group. I can see that i have used similar colours to the magazine covers as i have chosen a white background, This white background is seen to be on one of the vibe front covers. Vibe has used this colour as it could represent that the younger audience are pure and have a more opened mind. I have implemented this into my own magazine as the background of my magazine is also white. I can also see from the last picture that my choice of prop may also target the social group as it has been used on the front cover of another issue of vibe magazine. I have chosen to use the hat as a selected prop as this makes my actor more mysterious as the consumer cannot see the whole face. I believe that the more mysterious the actor is the more my social group will be interested in reading the article. I have also chosen the correct colours for the prop as both my magazine and also the existing magazines have the same  navy coloured hat. Having a base colour such as navy may suggest that my social group prefer natural colours rather than bright and eyecathching colours such as pink and yellow. This will be due to the fact I am mostly targeting males and those colours may be too stereotypically female.

Overall I would state that i am using a variety of different techniques that will attract my social group such as the images i have taken, The props I have used, the language in my double page spread and also the colours i have used for my front cover to gain attraction. I sway that these techniques have all had an influence on my final production in an attempt to target my specific social group.   

Vibe Music magazine and audience analysis. 

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