Monday 4 April 2016

Planning Font And Logo Development


When looking at what both my audience and my research of music magazines has told me is that the name of my magazine must be short, it also must be linked to the magazine itself, Existing magazines such as XXL is a good example as it is a very short title name for a magazine which is also suggests that the quality and/or quality of the magazine is large. This gives the audience a catchy name that also can give the audience a clue as to what the magazine is going to show.
Another example is “Vibe” magazine, this magazine title is similar to “XXL” as it is a short name, however “Vibe” can also refer to music, due to the research I have don’t on this magazine I can also see that my target audience is similar to “Vibes” this means there are significant similarities between mine and Vibes magazine. Areas such as age and gender are similar between my magazine and Vibes, therefore I can take Vibes magazine into consideration and use it as inspiration when making my name and also my mast head. I would like a smaller title as it goes with the current codes and conventions of rap and hip hop magazines, also it would make it much easier to implement this onto a masthead, the existing mastheads have fonts that are bold and also quite clear to read even though the main targets head is usually obstructing the mast head, This is something I must implement as I have seen it throughout my research not only when looking into more detail upon Rap/Hip-Hop magazines. 
Possible names I have chosen are: 

I have chosen to use monotone as it relates to music as does allot of current music magazines, in my opinion the font looks unique however is quite slim, this would be against the normal conventions as mostly rap/hip/hop magazines will have large fonts that are able to manipulate the text much more easily. When picturing the masthead in my imagination I believe that although this is a singular word I think that it will take up most of the masthead, this will go against the current conventions of a music magazine, most rap and hip/hop magazines use smaller mastheads that take up a portion of the front cover however rarely spreads across the whole masthead. The colour of the Logo looks effective as it is striking and matches with the current codes and conventions of rap/hip-hop magazines. The gradient is an effective effect as it could look like it is fading into a black background, this will give my magazine a unique look however would slightly sway away from the codes and conventions as most rap/hip-hop magazines have a predominantly white background.

This logo looks more effective as it is more bold when comparing to the previous logo, It goes with the codes and conventions as it is more bold and that is seen in the majority of the music magazines logo’s I have researched, This is so the consumers can see the masthead more clearly and the effects on the text will be more visible such as a gradient or a stroke. I believe that this logo will be more effective than the previous logo as more manipulation can be used to make my masthead more unique, this will give my magazine a USP it will also meet my targets wishes as they would like to see a preferably dark colour scheme than a bright and colourful one. Therefore using this masthead will appeal to my target audience as it is what they wanted and also will be easier to use in Photoshop when manipulating.
However The name of the masthead does not appeal to me, “Chill” has no reference in the music industry except when describing it and it may sounds too much like a gimmick, I would prefer something that is not so much related to music however will still be able to associate with the magazine, this masthead also looks effective with a full stop, the full stop shows importance and directness when attempting to connect with the audience.   
When trying different styles out in Photoshop I will be able to see what logo looks better and which looks mostly like a conventional rap/hip-hop magazine. When looking at the different images I have made I believe that Curve is the most effective and looks the most like a conventional magazine mast head. I am also able to see that I can manipulate this and make the text different colours, gradients and also effects. Curve is a short name that will not take up too much space on the masthead and also not be too small for the main image to take up the entirety of the front cover, when also looking at the house style I can use the short name as a logo that can go throughout the magazine on every page I will create. This is part of the house style and would make my magazine look more professional and apply to the codes and conventions of music magazines. I have chosen to use the same colours as rap/hip-hop magazines usually have these colours in their magazines as well as a white background to make the masthead stand out. 

I have put the image in Photoshop and made it black, this way it gives me a blank canvas to work on and allows me to get the measurements of where it is going to fit on my front cover, I have chosen to put the masthead at the top of my front cover as this is the most traditional convention of all music magazines, the size of the text will be large enough for the consumers to read however will not be to empowering and take the consumers perspective away from the main image. However I think the masthead will be too dull and not striking enough if left only black with no effects, even if my target audience and questionnaire show me that they would prefer a darker front cover, In order to change this I will add effects to this and also a some colour just so the masthead is not boring.

 When glancing at the previous version and this current version there is not allot if difference however I had decided to make small triangles on Photoshop and then rotate them to give the masthead a more random look when dispersing the amount of images I will use within the text which I can perform by using the clipping mask which allows the image to be put inside of my text without any of the edges showing, I have then added a new York city skyline into the masthead once again creating a clipping mask that allows the skyline to be within the letters, I have then used a gradient overlay and changed the opacity to a lower percentage, this will make the skyline look less striking and not take over the word rather than having it to compliment and make the masthead look allot more interesting than a dull black masthead, I have also used a grey scale as this would be to my target audiences specification as they stated on my questionnaire. I believe the grey scale effect should now run throughout the entirety of my front cover as it would be more imposing however will still be striking and attract customers as they will be interested in the magazine due to the large image and the interesting masthead.

House Style – 
The house style of my magazine Is important as if different pages look completely different this would make it look inconsistent and would not apply with the current codes and conventions of a music magazine, Some ideas that I can think of is too have a white background, this will run throughout the entirety of my magazine, the white background makes my magazine look professional and allows the readers to read the text easily.  I will also implement the colours Red and Black, I have done this as I have seen it throughout most of my magazine research, magazines such as XXL has the exact colours and I would say this is effective as it is striking and grabs the attention of the consumers. 

The fonts I will be using when making my magazine will be mostly, Myriad ProOrator Std these fonts will look good when implementing them onto my front cover, also it adds some variety to my magazine as not only one font is used making the magazine look dull and also seems as in I have put minimal effort into the making of my magazine. The font size will be a mixture of sizes as it makes some parts of the magazine stand out whereas some parts will look subtle and blend into the magazine but still look effective, I will have the masthead at a higher font size than any other part of the magazine as this is what the reader will first read and therefore I should make it easier for the consumer to read and understand my magazine, I will use a smaller font size when making the subtitles and also the content for the Double Page Spread as I need to include allot of information that will appeal to the reader.

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