Wednesday 27 April 2016


When looking back at my questionnaire I am abele to see that I have targeted an age that is the region of 15-20 year olds, Due to my questionnaire being aimed at mostly students from a sixth form, I would like to increase the age for my target audience as I believe that is too young and the questionnaire did not reach the required amount of people. However this is the age my questionnaire has provided me with. With the age range being quite varied I still believe that the product I have made meets all of the target audiences needs and what they would like to see in a magazine. My target audience then used the questionnaire to shows that the genre of music they are most interested in will be rap/hip-hop. However this does not mean I did not take other genres into consideration. However I ultimately decided to make a music magazine that is entirely focused upon supplying great content and latest news and information to my consumers.  

My magazine is currently aimed at the age group 16-25. My audience will most likely be be students that are of the middle and lower class standards this would be due to the fact my audience must have the disposable income to afford my magazine which at the price of £1.50 would be very affordable to my target audience who will not need to save up for the magazine. when looking at the general registrar scale, my target audience will most likely be in the region of the audience BCD bracket of the general register scale. I believe my audience will have jobs that are not to highly paid and would have basic low paid jobs such in retail and low positions in businesses. This work would also be at the same time the audience will be in education or the jobs may be part time.My readers would also need to have a interest in the magazine, especially who is featured. In this instance my audience must be a fan of J. Cole, Drake or Bryson Tiller this would be due the the fact all of these artists are presented in the front cover of my magazine. The house style of the magazine will mostly attract young males with colours such as red, black and white being used consistently throughout the magazine. In the future I would probably change some of the colours to attract a more diverse audience when considering gender.
My audience would be targeted in the western parts of the world, however will predominantly be targets for people living in the U.K and more specifically urban areas such as London, Manchester and Liverpool, This would be due to the artists that i have chosen to be on the front of the magazine will be a mainstream artist in both Britain and North America., This would mean allot of people would know the artists and be familiar with the music they create which is the main genre of music in my magazine, Artists such as Drake and Kendrick Lamar will have a large fan base in North America therefore this would gain me allot more money and profit maximisation, The tour I have included would be J. Cole's this is a tour that is worldwide and therefore would cover all areas that I have stated which would be my demographic.
When looking at my audiences Psychographic, They are more than likely going to be a mixture of succeeders and mainstreamers. As they will have enough disposable income to buy the magazine on a monthly basis. My price is only £1.50 which is extremely close to Vibe's price of £1.60 which means that some of Vibe's audience psychographic to be similar to my own brands, for instance the consumers could be aspirers, as both Vibe and my magazine show affluent lifestyles that the consumers will be wanting and therefore aspiring to be like. I think my audience will generally enjoy the genre of music my magazine represents and will attend any music occasion they can such as concerts or festivals as my audience are younger and more open minded.

£1.50 – My magazine will be made monthly to allow new content to be published providing new content for my audience.
My magazine contains content such as reviews, interviews and free gifts. This would attract my target audience significantly as in my questionnaire I asked my target audience what they would like to see contents wise in my magazine with plenty of the consumers choices now being used in the again such as reviews, articles and competitions for free gifts.  My questionnaire would also show me that my target audience would like to see the Rap/Hip-Hop music genre shows interest into new up and coming artists. Therefore this will be a feature that is displayed on the Contents page of the final product. With this in mind i then made sure that I implemented these features into my magazine as a main selling point which would make my audience be more interested in my product.
My advertisements would be based around the age of my consumers, average daily advertisements that would appeal to my target audience would be products such as new music, Fun nights out, rebellious natures and clothes. All these would make my magazine more attractable and would appeal well as advertisements.
Reader interactions 
My magazine may have various puzzles and a variety of prizes that can be one, this would allow me to interact with the consumers and get them actively involved with the magazine. my magazine would also have ways that the consumers will be able to win a free tickets of the main cover artist, this advertisement will be located on the bottom left hand corner of the front cover.  through these competitions which would give the reader more of an incentive to read the magazine and participate in the games and puzzles.
Promotions and competitions 
My magazine will give a variety of ways that the consumers can subscribe to the magazine, some of these would be to subscribe online or by phone. All of these would be stated on the magazine which would make my consumers aware they can subscribe.

Brand Eye for my own magazine

Audience Profile

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