Saturday 30 April 2016

Friday 29 April 2016


When looking at the process of constructing the magazine. The process contains various usages of technologies which has a large impact on my final piece of the product I have created . This includes using variety of editing and performing several skills. However, throughout this process I had also gained more knowledge from practising these skills, which has increased my ability to perform them. Those technologies have helped to develop my skills even further due to this course.  

To begin the production process after doing my research, I have started by taking photographs. The camera used during this process was DLSR camera (Nikon).  The camera was set on an automation setting, which helps me to run the photoshoot more smoothly. By doing the research before hand it allows me to be able to achieve the composition I would like to have. Due to the room being well equipped I was able to use the lights within the room as well as the curtains, which were used as my background. Additional equipment I have used is extra lights lamp to really make the photographs meet the high standards. By using the lights I am then able to change the light intensity and the light direction to gain the best possible images for my magazine. From my basic knowledge of photography, I was able to set up some equipment as such the extra lights. However In contrast, I don’t know about the settings very well as I have not been working on the product for long enough.  In this process, I would say I find the most difficult thing was trying new different settings on the camera. It was the best and ideal to stick with using the automation mode. 

Photoshop is an image manipulation software which allows users to create, edit, manipulate and construct various images that can be used for anything from professional website designs to posters. In my opinion my main noticeable strength is using Photoshop. Personally, I am quite familiar with the basic structures as I have been using Photoshop for around three to four years. By having this knowledge it allows me to produce the task in higher standards. This has created effects to my work by being able to edit the picture as how I planned it. This suggests that I have a better understanding of how to use the software. The advancement level of Photoshop is quite complex. This would be because Photoshop has different tools for different purposes. Therefore this is a huge advantage for me. While editing I was aware of how to use those tools and how it would suit my purpose. This would be available to see through my final pieces where I made them look presentable and professional. Those tools have helped me reach the high standard presentation of the three pieces. Those following methods are some examples of what I did to produce the three pieces; in terms of filters I was able to make changes of the photographs by adjusting the level of brightness. This is done to make sure that the pictures look even more professional. In order to meet my aim, I also had an experiment with changing the exposure as well as the colour gradient.  The colour gradient tool’s job is to change one colour to another. Another significant change I have made is luminosity to make the photograph black and white. On the other hand, even though I am aware of the instructions for most of the tools, there were some challenges I faced when using Photoshop. For example, a corruption has occurred during process of editing, as a consequence I was unable to edit some part of the texts. 

I had then used Adobe InDesign, This is a construction software, which allows professional material to be made using features such as guidelines and default publishing pre sets such as a pre made. This particular process has benefitted me greatly when making the magazine as I was easily able to construct a music magazine with features such as the ruler tool, this tool allowed me to structure the page correctly an make my magazine fit the requirements of existing music magazines. Adobe InDesign is a great software for implementing graphical content in which I have created prior to placing the image in Photoshop. With both software’s being Adobe products this has made it much easier to access and move the files from software to software. Overall these two adobe products are very easy to use and also made my final outcome look more professional.  

When presenting my work I have used multiple different software’s, firstly i have used Prezi, Prezi is an online presentation software that allows the user to create imaginative and unique presentations that can the be viewed by any one on the website. This website is extremely good for making presentations that are effective in demonstrating information. I was able to input images, text and animations to make my presentations both interesting and professional. The website its self is free to use and is easy to access from any computer. Another software I used to present work is slideshare this, like Prezi, is a presentation software that allows the user to present information in the form of a slide show. This software like prezi makes it easy for users to make professional looking presentations, I have used slideshare to show my final images I have selected for my first front cover, contents page and double page spread. 
Another piece of technology that I have used is a questionnaire making software called Survey monkey, this survey was conducted three times by me as I needed to find information upon my specific target audience. Although I have used it three times I was able to create a professional looking questionnaire on every attempt. The software gives the user different question choices and different possible ways for the consumers to  answer the question. This gives the best answers as the questions could be a variety of multiple choice or yes or no questions. Overall I will say that survey monkey is a extremely good software to gain results from as it is made easy by the templates that can be used for an additional helping hand.  

Pros & Cons of Technology –

When making my magazine I have been creating the process of making, research and finally the evaluation on a blogging website called blogger, this website is very good for regularly updating and maintaining order of my research, construction and evaluations. The website also give me up to date analytics and statistics as to where my blog is being seen all over the world, this is useful as I can keep up to date with which areas my work has been targeting. However although this is really good and makes my job easier to blog there is some down sides to this, It means that I will always need internet connection to produce my work without this internet access I will be unable to update my blog regularly and therefore fall behind on the coursework.  This could also be a benefit as having the blog on the Internet allows me to access the blog from anywhere at anytime. This was crucial in the making of my blog as I was able to spend as long as I like to make the 
blog as good as it could be late at night when I work most efficiently. 

Issues of technology used –
Overall I have experienced little to none technological problems the process of using these software’s was very smooth and did not take much effort to use,  the presentation software’s are extremely easy to use and  get started along with the available free accounts I did no take long to set up either. `However there is one problem I have encountered which is the lack of knowledge I posses in regards to the software Adobe InDesign. I was unaware at the lack of fonts and the lack of manipulation tools that I recognised and previously used. To ensure I was not stuck with this problem for to long I decided to watch a video clip on YouTube that explains how to use Adobe InDesign.  The link to the full video is below

Wednesday 27 April 2016


When looking back at my questionnaire I am abele to see that I have targeted an age that is the region of 15-20 year olds, Due to my questionnaire being aimed at mostly students from a sixth form, I would like to increase the age for my target audience as I believe that is too young and the questionnaire did not reach the required amount of people. However this is the age my questionnaire has provided me with. With the age range being quite varied I still believe that the product I have made meets all of the target audiences needs and what they would like to see in a magazine. My target audience then used the questionnaire to shows that the genre of music they are most interested in will be rap/hip-hop. However this does not mean I did not take other genres into consideration. However I ultimately decided to make a music magazine that is entirely focused upon supplying great content and latest news and information to my consumers.  

My magazine is currently aimed at the age group 16-25. My audience will most likely be be students that are of the middle and lower class standards this would be due to the fact my audience must have the disposable income to afford my magazine which at the price of £1.50 would be very affordable to my target audience who will not need to save up for the magazine. when looking at the general registrar scale, my target audience will most likely be in the region of the audience BCD bracket of the general register scale. I believe my audience will have jobs that are not to highly paid and would have basic low paid jobs such in retail and low positions in businesses. This work would also be at the same time the audience will be in education or the jobs may be part time.My readers would also need to have a interest in the magazine, especially who is featured. In this instance my audience must be a fan of J. Cole, Drake or Bryson Tiller this would be due the the fact all of these artists are presented in the front cover of my magazine. The house style of the magazine will mostly attract young males with colours such as red, black and white being used consistently throughout the magazine. In the future I would probably change some of the colours to attract a more diverse audience when considering gender.
My audience would be targeted in the western parts of the world, however will predominantly be targets for people living in the U.K and more specifically urban areas such as London, Manchester and Liverpool, This would be due to the artists that i have chosen to be on the front of the magazine will be a mainstream artist in both Britain and North America., This would mean allot of people would know the artists and be familiar with the music they create which is the main genre of music in my magazine, Artists such as Drake and Kendrick Lamar will have a large fan base in North America therefore this would gain me allot more money and profit maximisation, The tour I have included would be J. Cole's this is a tour that is worldwide and therefore would cover all areas that I have stated which would be my demographic.
When looking at my audiences Psychographic, They are more than likely going to be a mixture of succeeders and mainstreamers. As they will have enough disposable income to buy the magazine on a monthly basis. My price is only £1.50 which is extremely close to Vibe's price of £1.60 which means that some of Vibe's audience psychographic to be similar to my own brands, for instance the consumers could be aspirers, as both Vibe and my magazine show affluent lifestyles that the consumers will be wanting and therefore aspiring to be like. I think my audience will generally enjoy the genre of music my magazine represents and will attend any music occasion they can such as concerts or festivals as my audience are younger and more open minded.

£1.50 – My magazine will be made monthly to allow new content to be published providing new content for my audience.
My magazine contains content such as reviews, interviews and free gifts. This would attract my target audience significantly as in my questionnaire I asked my target audience what they would like to see contents wise in my magazine with plenty of the consumers choices now being used in the again such as reviews, articles and competitions for free gifts.  My questionnaire would also show me that my target audience would like to see the Rap/Hip-Hop music genre shows interest into new up and coming artists. Therefore this will be a feature that is displayed on the Contents page of the final product. With this in mind i then made sure that I implemented these features into my magazine as a main selling point which would make my audience be more interested in my product.
My advertisements would be based around the age of my consumers, average daily advertisements that would appeal to my target audience would be products such as new music, Fun nights out, rebellious natures and clothes. All these would make my magazine more attractable and would appeal well as advertisements.
Reader interactions 
My magazine may have various puzzles and a variety of prizes that can be one, this would allow me to interact with the consumers and get them actively involved with the magazine. my magazine would also have ways that the consumers will be able to win a free tickets of the main cover artist, this advertisement will be located on the bottom left hand corner of the front cover.  through these competitions which would give the reader more of an incentive to read the magazine and participate in the games and puzzles.
Promotions and competitions 
My magazine will give a variety of ways that the consumers can subscribe to the magazine, some of these would be to subscribe online or by phone. All of these would be stated on the magazine which would make my consumers aware they can subscribe.

Brand Eye for my own magazine

Audience Profile

Tuesday 26 April 2016



 When making my media product I have implemented various different techniques in order to ensure that I have represented my audience and particular social group. The specific target audience that I have aimed to target my magazine at is young adults mostly aged between 16 and 25. These people will mostly like having a vivid interest in music and more specifically people who are interested in rap/hip-hop music. I have extracted this research from my constructed questionnaire. 

For an example of how I targeted my specific audience I have firstly chosen a model that is of a similar age group. I have chosen a total of five actors all of which having the common factor of being roughly the same age, this age is between 17 and 18.  By having the models similar ages to my target audience I can say that it will make the magazine more personal and relatable. This will really make a difference in our readership as more consumers will be interested in the magazine if they see someone who is relatable on the front cover, the will feel they can read the article and compare lifestyles more easily as well as my audience being aspirers therefore will gain benefits from reading the magazine. I can relate this to a theory I have been learning made by Jacques Lacan and Carl Rogers, which is the ideal-I, and ideal lifestyle/partnership, which my magazine presents through the affluent style of clothing. also another way that I have made my magazine represent my audience through my model is that they are even more relatable as they will have similar tastes in music, this will make the reader connect more with the magazine and actor. The readers will aspire to be my actor due to the same personal interests as well as the powerful way he is presented in my magazine. I believe that my actor will be looked to as an inspiration as the character goes against the stereotypically normal representation of a young adult being a delinquent as said in the theory stated by Dick Hebdige that young adults are either fun or delinquents. This makes the reader more attached to the article and supports the fact that the actor has an inspirational lifestyle. Another way that I have targeted my audience would be through mis-en-scene.

My actor has a various amount of clothes on display on all of the individual pages of my magazine, Firstly on the front cover of my magazine my actor has a very serious facial expression, this again goes with Dick Hebdiges theory of some young people are delinquents as the actor in my magazines facial expression does not portray my actor to be having fun, It shows my actor to have a attitude and a more serious approach on life. This may target my social group, as the minority of people will have the same mentality of my actor, which suggests that my audience is represented as. The posture of my actor also represents my audience to being very serious and to not be scared to say what they are thinking, this makes the audience feel like they can relate to my actor as they may feel they can relate to what he represents and what he is showing by both his facial expressions and boy language.

My actor will also use similar poses on the contents page; I made the actor look directly into the camera. By having my actor do this it makes the whole magazine look much more intimidating and also more intimate between the actor and my consumer, The eye contact will give my consumers more of a personal feeling when reading the magazine as they will be able to relate to the actor much more easily as they could believe what he is saying due to his serious nature portrayed in the image.  

In the double page spread I am able to show my actors affluent lifestyle. This is due to the fact the image shows the entirety of the actor, this shows the whole actor with all of his clothing, I have chosen to represent my social group by clothing, clothes such as the bright Nike trainers are common in my specific social group as they are made by a famous and well established company such as Nike and also they are sporting wear, as my social group are of a younger age they will be more familiar and associated with good health and a healthier way of living. I have used a bomber jacket as this is also frequently used in the rap/hip-hop scene.

Another way that my magazine represents my target audience is through the language used in my double page spread, the language I used has contained some colloquial language, this will represent my audience as it is the younger generation and this means they will be able t understand words that an older consumer will not. I have used this as it makes my actor once again more relatable, if the younger consumer can see that my actor is not using correct or proper English they may see this as being more relatable and can create a bond between the actor and my represented social group. I have also used literary devices such as hyperbole's and power of three, I have implemented these into my double page spread as it will grab my target readers attention, it makes the article much more dramatic and this will draw the attention of the young readers as they will be interested in drama. I have then used a pull out quote which will allow me target my social group as they will be more interested into a motivational quote which can both explain the article and give the consumer a sense of idea what the article is about, This will attract them as they are able to relate to the quote and my social group being aspirer’s will take the quote and try to implement this into there own personal life.

When comparing the two different actors from both my magazine and from these issues of vibe i can see that my magazine front cover would not be to dissimilar from each other, I have decided to compare my magazine with Vibe magazine as this allow me to see the similarities as to how they have attracted their specific social group. I can see that i have used similar colours to the magazine covers as i have chosen a white background, This white background is seen to be on one of the vibe front covers. Vibe has used this colour as it could represent that the younger audience are pure and have a more opened mind. I have implemented this into my own magazine as the background of my magazine is also white. I can also see from the last picture that my choice of prop may also target the social group as it has been used on the front cover of another issue of vibe magazine. I have chosen to use the hat as a selected prop as this makes my actor more mysterious as the consumer cannot see the whole face. I believe that the more mysterious the actor is the more my social group will be interested in reading the article. I have also chosen the correct colours for the prop as both my magazine and also the existing magazines have the same  navy coloured hat. Having a base colour such as navy may suggest that my social group prefer natural colours rather than bright and eyecathching colours such as pink and yellow. This will be due to the fact I am mostly targeting males and those colours may be too stereotypically female.

Overall I would state that i am using a variety of different techniques that will attract my social group such as the images i have taken, The props I have used, the language in my double page spread and also the colours i have used for my front cover to gain attraction. I sway that these techniques have all had an influence on my final production in an attempt to target my specific social group.   

Vibe Music magazine and audience analysis. 

Monday 25 April 2016

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Double page spread image manipulation and construction.

For my double page spread I have chosen this image, this image is a long shot that shows the entire body of my actor, It allows for the audience to see my use of props and costume as the bright blue shoes are showing and also the hat is still clearly visible. Firstly to manipulate the image I need to use the pen too, and be very specific about how I use it, I want a white background for my double page spread and therefore need to make sure that no amount of access parts of my actors main image is showing, this will be unprofessional and not to the current codes and conventions of a music magazine.

After I have done this I have made a document that is double the width of both my front cover and my contents page, after using the pen tool to select my actor from the original image I have placed him in the left hand side of the initial double page spread.  
I then changed the colour of right hand side of the spread to an off white colour as I wanted the colours to be similar however I wanted it to be subtly different. My text will now be on the right side of the spread with the colour of the text being black, this will provide good contrast and make it easy for the consumer to read.

Next I have added a large rectangular black box at the top of the right hand side, I have achieved this by using the rectangle tool to create a box and then filling this box in with the bucket tool. I then copied this layer and changed the colour to white I then moved this layer down and made it look smaller than the black rectangle, I duplicated the layer as it would give me the correct measurements to the initial black rectangle. Next I have used the text tool to create a large “Q” letter. I then made it red and changed the opacity of the letter, I have seen this in my magazine research and I think it is effective. I have chosen the letter Q as it is the first letter of my actors name therefore has relevance. 
Next I have used the text too, again on both the black and the white rectangle, on the black rectangle I have used a bold font that is white and is in proportion either side of the black rectangle. I have used a white font as it shows clearly due to the contrast of the black rectangle. I then alternated the colours on the second rectangle so that the colour that is in the text is black, this once again would show more significantly and would be much easier to read. 
I have now added my house style in the form of the alternative logo and a page number, this is a running theme throughout my magazine and shows consistency throughout the magazine. I have also added a line through the middle of the logo and the page number, this is an added manipulation. I then will add a title over my main images head and call it cover story, I will make the text white however will also make a black rectangle that will show the text much more clearer.   

I then will change the hue and saturation of my main actors image, I have turned the colour green higher to increase the brightness of the jacket, I then changed the darkness of the actors skin, by doing this I have seen I decreased the brightness in the actors shoes I don’t want this as the actors shoes are bright and allow some differences in colour when looking at the actor, I also have attempted to change the font of the large “Q” in the background. By doing this I am looking to see if the new font looks attractive or not also it will look better. 

I now have changed the brightness to make the image more bright and even more green, it makes the image looks too green however I can alter this in the next screenshot, I also don’t like the large “Q” being a different font as I don’t believe that it matches the rest of the magazine, the curve at the bottom of the Q makes the font less aggressive and Rap/Hip-Hop magazines are notorious for this. 
I now have changed the brightness even further and I believe that I am now done for image manipulation on my double page spread, I have made sure that the trainers are still somewhat bright, I have also changed the hue and saturation to make the image more orange and less green, I believe that the image looks very professional. In the bottom right corner of my main actor, I have added social media sites icons that will allow the fans to know that Qaiser Mansha is on all social media platforms.

Here I have taken the manipulated image into Adobe InDesign, I have added a pull quote in the middle of the double page spread, I have done this as it applies to my research and the current codes and conventions of music magazines. I believe that the size is appropriate and that it stands out from the writing that will be added in later, I have chosen the colour black as it will stand out from the background colour of white, I have also done this to show that the rap/hip-hop culture standout and I believe that this pull quote stands out and can represent the entire rap/hip-hop community. I have used the same font as the title of the contents page as this shows consistency, I have also added a paragraph that will explain what it is Qaiser Mansha is doing currently in his work, it is an opening paragraph that allows the consumer to gain an understanding of what the interview is going to be based upon.
I have added the initial and opening paragraph to my work, I am testing the size and the amount of words I will need to fill up my double page spread, I believe that my double page spread will need allot of text that will be relevant and legible. I think that I will need approximately 6 questions to fill up my page, I will need to answer each question as my actor would. The questions I will be asking are;
How do you define success?
How has your age changed your music?
What are your earliest memories of music?
Do you believe that you are the chosen one?
Will you headline the biggest music festival in the world Coachella?
And finally, what advice would you give to aspiring artists out there?

I Think that I will be able to create some good responses from these questions that are both interesting and also make my character fit the persona of my target genre which is rap/hip-hop.  


Here I have answered all of the question in Adobe InDesign and have made the responses intellectual however also some parts are quite modern and use slang terms, although this will be a formal publication I believe that the character will need to look quite intimidating and rough on the edges as many artists are in his particular genre. The whole double page spread article is the following: 

Qaiser Manshah has taken some time off to be with us here today downtown in our offices overlooking London for a very special interview. Qasier, dressed in an all black outfit, with a rebellious hairstyle that looks typically modern. Seemingly unfazed by the questions ahead. He reached over the table offering a handshake followed by a deep voice that said “Shall we begin”  
How do you define success?
Well, I used to place a lot of weight on where I’m gonna be at in ten or fifteen years. But now I look at success as, where am I at now? Am I living my dream? Am I happy? That to me seems more equated to success. I mean I can have all the accolades in the world, but if I’m not happy then I’m not successful in reality. So for me happiness is the dominant factor of success.
How has your age changed your music?
As I have matured my music I believe my lyrics have   become more meaningful, I have begun to tell stories more about my personal life. I guess you can say as I grow yearly I see more clearly.
 What are your earliest   memories of music?
My earliest memories of music are my father. He used to play me old school jazz acts and old school artists. such as Frank Sinatra, I loved the unique sound and the way it connected with the audience, although different genres i take some of that in my music. 
Do you believe that you are the chosen one?
Yes, although this is an impossible question to answer really. If I say yes I sound arrogant and if I say no there is a lack of self believe, but in my opinion , The rap scene has benefited greatly because of me. 
Will you headline the biggest music festival in the world Coachella?
Yeah hopefully so, it will be a huge achievement for me, and I will be the first artist born in London to be headlining Coachella, That’s a dream come true for me.   
And finally, what advice would you give to aspiring artists out there?
Just don’t try. Speak from the heart, let it flow out as creatively as you can. Study all the time, listen for new albums all the time, fill up your whole tank with inspiration and let it flow out how it does. Naturally.

Tuesday 19 April 2016


When conducting research into what the current existing magazines are for my chosen genre; Rap and Hip-Hop, I can initially see that most of the double page spreads are split into half with on side (usually the left side) having the center of visual interest, and the opposite right hand side being usually text dominated.I can implement this into my own magazine as I can split the double page spread evenly also only using one side for text, I can see that on this side of text the background color is usually white, this is effective as it allows the magazine to use the black font which then can be read very easily. The black font is on all of the double page spreads i can see, this means I must implement this onto my magazine, This way I will be obeying the current codes and conventions as well as  making my magazine look to the standards of an existing magazine. The main image is usually a medium close shot, this means you can see the image clearly and also you can see a apart of the body, I would state that in my magazine I am going to make my image a medium shot, slightly different to the existing magazine double page spreads however I would like to see my actors clothing on my magazine, therefore i am going to make the image on the left side of the page and make the image a medium close shot. I am also going to make the double page spread the same font as the contents masthead, I am doing this to show continuity in my magazines other existing magazine have the same font running throughout the page of the specific magazine. I a also going to implement a large letter on one side of my double page spread however make it subtle, i ave seen this in some of "Q" magazines double page spread and i think this looks effective.  

Planning - 

When looking at my double page spread I believe that I will need to include a variety of different elements to create a professional and approachable double page spread that will both make the reader interested and achieve my core proposition which will be to make the reader informed about up to date news based on the genre rap/hip-hop. 

I will firstly look at the lay outs of the magazine as this is vital to making my magazine look professional and makes it easy for my target audience to read and to gain information, The layout will consist of several conventions of features that will make my magazine apply to current codes and conventions, for example my double page spread must include a center of visual interest (CVI) as this is what draws the reader to the double page spread in the first pace. A large and striking picture I believe have more impact on the target reader as the image could be relate able or could make the reader interested in the unique life style that the image is presenting. When looking back at my research I can identify that magazine double page spreads from my specific genre almost always have a male as the CVI, I will include this in my own magazine to ensure my own magazine will look like an existing music magazine. From the layouts I have researched it is apparent that throughout all music magazines the double page spread is predominantly split into two sides with one side being predominantly text based and the other consisting of the large image. I will use this in my own magazine as it is clear throughout the research I have conducted this is a clear convention of the layout.

When looking at the language of the double page I have identified that the language throughout the piece is formal and conducted professionally, I will use this in my own magazine as it will ensure that my readers have no problem understanding some language that may not make sense due to their social demographic. However although the main text body may be formal the double page spread headline will be very informal and quotes a tweet that one of the artists have stated. The tweet contains profanities and this is unique from the magazines I have researched therefore I will not be using this in my magazine as I do not believe that this is appropriate language to use due to my audience only being between 16-25 years old. This may give my magazine a bad reputation and therefore will not compete with other existing magazines.      

In this screen shot I have shown my initial plan of what my double page spread will look like, I have used my house style to gain the three colors however have only used two which are black and white. This is effective as it makes the magazine easy to read due to contrast and also applies to the research I have conducted which shows that most of the music magazines in my genre have used the colors white and black, However I do not like the fonts that i have used in this example, I think that the two I have chosen are too contrasting and make the magazine look unprofessional I believe that I will need to make the two fonts either the same or similar to maintain consistency and a running house style which I have already shown evidence of in a previous post to this blog. I think that the choice of splitting the magazine into two sides is wise as it allows me more space and also guidelines as to how big both the image and the body of text will need to be. Although I have not added the two, when visualizing examples of what I can input into the two large spaces I can have a long shot of my model on the left hand side with the right hand side being filled with text which is around font size 8, this will make it look like existing music magazine as the font size is always very small to allow them to input more into the magazine.

In this screen shot I have chosen too make the headline shorter, this is an attempt to make it less time consuming for my magazine as they may not have time to read the article due to my audience being in the ABC1 bracket of the general register scale and with them also being aspire-res, Also due to my audience being one of a younger variety I have chosen to use a literary device in the form of a simile as my double page spread headline, This is effective as it allows the reader to remember the name of the article quickly and perhaps subconsciously as it is a rapid title that is not uncommon for magazines in my genre to want to achieve such as "Fame". I have then decided to use all three colors in this plan as it makes the magazine look more realistic and makes it apply with the conventions of the rule. I have then used a crop cap at the start of my double page spread headline, this is unusual for a headline however and therefore I doubt that I will be using this feature. This plan does not attract me and therefore will not attract my target audience, I believe that there is too much negative space between the headline and it feels empty and incomplete.  

While making this final screen shot I am able to identify that this is the most realistic layout that I can base my magazine upon. A large headline makes it clear for my target audience to read to and to gain a basic understanding of my article. I then have change the colour of one letter of the headline to a bright red colour, this is going with both my house style and my research as both show that the double page spreads use three colours which majority include Red, Black and White all of which I have included in this screenshot. I have once again decided to split the double page spread into two with one half being text dominated and the second being a large image of my actor that I have taken. I have decided to show you where I plan to input my text and how it would look like when the text has been implemented. The text will not be too dominating as it will not take the majority of the right hand side either. I have chosen to use a pull quote in the middle of my text page as this is a convention that I have seen throughout the research section of my magazine. 

When originally taking this image into consideration I believe that the image looks professional and would be easy to manipulate using Photoshop, The image sows the affluent clothing that my actor possesses, This is to attract my target audience as it shows that I am targeting younger people due to the style of clothes, Items such as the large bomber jacket, the baseball hat and the baseball jersey all show that my target audience is one of a younger generation. The mis-en-scene that my model is using looks like a typical rap/hip-hop magazine. The pose shows that the actor may not have rules as the squat position shows that the model may also lack respect.  

In this image I am able to see that it is much more effective for a double page spread s it shows allot more of the body due to the body positioning of my model. the longer shot shows the clothing of my model much more effectively and also allows the audience to see the image and could potentially turn to a prosumer. The body language shows that the model is masculine as the models shoulders are lowered and therefore are not scared of insecurities. However the photo is quite dark as the lights may not have been directly on the subject himself.