Friday 4 March 2016

Analyzing Questionnaire Results:

Analyzing Questionnaire Results:

When looking at this information I have received i can identify that my target audience would be a 68% male majority, this would be crucial when making my magazine as i would need to stick with more masculine ideas such as symbolic props or stereotypical male conventions, When making the magazine I must not use features that would attract a women audience as it would be against the questionnaire research I have conducted and therefore would not attract the audience that I have put effort into researching about.                                      

When looking at this information i can see that my target age group is around the ages of 16-19 this would be due to the fact that my questionnaire being sent through a school emailing website, this would only allow teachers or students to access my questionnaire depending on who it is that i sent the web address too.from this information i can take away that my age group would not be brad and be more specific than allot of other magazines such as NME or Vibe. This gives me very little amount of changes that i an make due to the fact  am not able to use material that a older audience that other magazines will be able to use. 

When looking at how often my audience would buy a music magazine i can see that the large majority of people would not buy music magazine whatsoever, this is worrying however would make me target the people who do buy music magazines often or slightly often and what it is they would like to see in a music magazine, When looking at the information my aim will be to make my music magazine look aesthetically pleasings possible to try and increase consumption. 

When looking a this piece of information i am able to see that i gave my audience a large amount of options when making choices as to what their favorite genre of music is, despite all of the options I have given I am able to see that their is a large majority of people who like the genre of Rap/Hip-Hop. This would be ideal as I am a fan of this particular genre as well, however the codes and conventions of this genre are quite developed and would take a considerable amount of time and detail to make a successful Rap/Hip-Hop music magazine.

When looking at this piece of information I am able to see on average my target audience are willing to spend on a Music Magazine. a large majority have picked the figure of £1.50, this is quite an awkward price as it has not be rounded however would be roughly the price of existing music magazines in there market that I am in. I would be able to implement this easily onto my magazine cover by displaying the price in a corner of the front cover. This would also comply with the codes and conventions f existing music magazines who do this on every issue of their magazine. 

 From this Information I am able to see that my target audience would like to see a dark color scheme, this would be hard to implement when looking closely at how I am going to crop in Photoshop however it would be what my audience would like to see and therefore it would need to be done. when analyzing the information again i can see there is a large amount of consumers (6) that would like a contrast in the color scheme therefore i will be looking at possible methods that i can still implement this while satisfying my target audience  

When analysing this question it is quite split, There is a majority however it will not be large enough for me to implement only font manipulation into my magazine product. Therefore when constructing my magazine I believe that i must take al of these aspects and choices into consideration. I think it will be quite easy to implement a Large image onto my music magazine as this is a convent that applies to many music magazines across all genres, I will also use font manipulation on my masthead to make the masthead more appealing to the eventual target audience. 

When analyzing the results of this question I am able to see that i would need a wide array of different content in my magazine. my consumer base would all like to see some of the newest magazines, Album reviews and also new musicians. I think I can implement this quite easily as I would add pages in the contents page and double page spread. This would apply to codes and conventions as many music magazines would have additional articles promoting new and underrated artists.    

When looking at what interactions I would need to include in my magazine there is a clear majority that would want me to include competitions, this would mean i would have to think of some ways i can include a prize that I believe my audience would like whilst still complying with the codes and conventions of a traditional Hip-Hop/Rap magazine.I will use this by putting a exclusive prize in the top corner of my magazine front cover. 

When looking at this piece of evidence i can see that my consumers would want me to include new and upcoming artists features, this is the ultimate majority and would be the largest I have received therefore I will definitely be implementing this in my music magazine as it is definitely what my target audience would want to see in my music magazine.

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