Saturday 19 March 2016


Music Magazine & Audience Analysis


Clash Magazine

Audience Profiles

Approx. age range of audience

The approximate age range for clash magazine would be around 16-30
Gender of audience

The gender of the magazine would be in my opinion a large percentage of males and a smaller percentage of females.
Genre(s) of music they like

The genre of music will most probably be modern music either of the R&B type or mostly modern pop music, this magazine would also include some rap. e.g A$AP rocky.
Examples of favourite bands/artists

 Clash magazines artists would include modern artists that are usually making new music or promotion of a new album. E.g.   Jay-Z
Types of clothes they wear (include 

The clothes/misen scene would include very modern and contemporary clothing that may be quite eccentric to clash with a relatively simple background that is apparent in nearly all of clash’s front cover’s.
Types of jobs the audience might have

The audience may have inner city jobs that are modern, this would be a C1 and up magazine in terms of audience profiling.
Hobbies / interests

The hobbies and interests of clash music magazine’s audiences would be of a wide variety mostly they would be quite young and therefore would like outdoors and being with friends also have a passion for music. 

Product Analysis - Clash
The cost of clash magazine would be £2.33, The paper is glossy and therefore would create a more expensive magazine, this price would be fair and would make the target audience realise the magazine is of a high standard and would therefore pay more money for the magazine. 

Advertisers (mag)
In the clash magazine there would be adverts that would be music oriented, this would to ensure that the content of clash magazine would remain relevant to the music industry and would also remain appealing to their target audience who would only want to read the magazine for music insight and new music in that culture of music.                                                                                            

Reader Interaction
The readers would be able to interact by various social media sites that Clash would own and would actively involved within the community. Clash would have a Facebook account, twitter account and also a YouTube account to interact with fans all over the world. 
The Facebook account would have 42,000 likes
The Twitter account would have 49,000 Followers
The YouTube account would have 762 Subscribers however is rarely used

Clash would also have an app for fans to subscribe and would be easily accessible form various locations including across the globe.

Promotions & Competitions
Clash Magazine would have no competitions, however clash would use promotion of new artists very effectively, these artists would also not be too mainstream and give an opportunity for new artists to emerge and showcase their talent to a new wider audience in some cases


The content of Clash magazine would be predominantly the features of the magazine this would mean the cover artist and the features of the magazine would entirely make the content of the magazine. This would be appealing for the readers as they know exactly what is inside the magazine without browsing through the magazine first.

Market Segmentation

I would say that Clash's demographic audience would be young adults however would especially  be targeted at hipster youths that would be more eccentric compared to other magazine readers who would be more mainstream and less eccentric. The age range I would say would be 15-27, i would infer this as the artists presented in Clash magazine such as A$AP Rocky would not be mainstream and his type of music would not attract an elder generation either who would be more interested in classical music. 


The geographic would be, central London as this is a mass market and the urban and modern feel of the magazine would be much appreciated in London more over than sub urban cities who may not be excited by the music Clash magazine would be presenting.

Music Magazine & Audience Analysis

Audience Profiles

Approx. age range of audience

The approximate age range for Q magazine would be around 15-25
Gender of audience

The gender of the magazine would be in my opinion a mixture of males and females as different genres of music would be presented to please both genders. However a larger audience of men would be interested in Rap music and therefore the readership may be more males.
Genre(s) of music they like

The genre of music will be very varied however would have a large percentage of pop music as it is a dominant genre of music and therefore would be more appealing to a larger audience of both genders therefore maximising readership for both females and males.
Examples of favourite bands/artists

 Q magazines artists would include modern artists that are usually making new music or promotion of a new album. This would be to create a Synergy and would be beneficial for both the magazine and the artist.
Types of clothes they wear (include 

The clothes that Tinnie Tempah would be wearing look very professional and would also be very casual, this type of clothing would loom respectable and would be more appealing to the older audience than other existing magazines that would use seductive poses to gain readership.
Types of jobs the audience might have

The audience may have inner city jobs that are modern, this would be a C1 and up magazine in terms of audience profiling. This would give allot of people a chance to buy the magazine which is more expensive than clash magazine however would have a increased chance of consumers paying a higher price due to the larger fan base.
Hobbies / interests

The target audience would be very young and therefore would be more active and would most likely be students so would be interested in studies and also would be interested in a n easy to read magazine as they would be busy with student lifes.

Product Analysis - Q
The cost of Q magazine would be £3.99, this would be more expensive then clash however when comparing the two magazines I can infer that Q magazine would have a larger majority of pages and therefore manufacturing prices would be allot more than Clash magazine.
Advertisers (mag)
The advertisement used in Q magazine would show that all types of music can be advertised in the magazines, with new albums being advertised like Ed Sheeran’s “ Multiply “ and J. Cole’s “2014 forest hills drive” this would be in Q magazines best interest as it would target a greater audience and therefore more people would be influenced to read the magazine while still giving the good insight upon when the albums are out and tour dates to go with that.
Reader Interaction
The readers would be able to interact by various social media sites that Q magazine would own and would actively involved within the community, this would be great for the magazine company as more consumers would be able to give their opinion and would make the editors of the magazine think about what content they are putting out to the world and would they could improve on that content. Q magazine would have a Facebook account, twitter, YouTube account, Pintrest account and also an Instagram account  to interact with fans all over the world. 
The Facebook account would have 94,000 likes
The Twitter account would have 109,000 Followers
The YouTube account would have 3000 Subscribers 
The Instagram account would have 2,400 followers
The Pintrest account would have 984 followers

When comparing this to Clash’s reader interaction Q magazine is allot more dominant and superior, this may be due to the fact that Q magazine was established before Clash magazine and therefore the consumers would find Q magazine more trustworthy and therefore would be entitled to follow Q magazine rather than the relatively new Clash magazine who as of yet is not as established as Q magazine and other magazines.

Q magazine would also have a sound cloud account that would enable readers to listen to the music that is presented in Q magazine. 
Promotions & Competitions
Q Magazine would have many competitions these competitions would include a trip to France, a night is Scotland, new Headphones and other music items such as radio’s and speakers , Q would use promotion of new artists very effectively, the artists presented would more than likely be making a new album or would have a hit single that is out at the current moment in time.


The content of Q magazine would be predominantly new artists or artists that would be promoting new albums, this would give publicity to both the magazine and the artists, this would also by a Synergy as both could be labelled as brands and therefore would be actively promoting each other through the interview, their would also be competitions that consumers can join in and win valuables.

Market Segmentation

I would say that Q magazine’s audience would demographically be young adults aged in between 16-30 the young target audience age would be due to the modern music presented in the magazine and also would be very bright colours that I believe would be in order to attract a younger audience. The artists on the front of the magazine would also be very modern and therefore as the consumer would see the magazine they would be attracted and intrigued by the artist, The target audience would also have to be quite wealthy and time rich as the magazine is quite long ad quite expensive. 


The geographic would be, central London as this is a mass market and the urban and modern feel of the magazine would be much appreciated in London more over than sub urban cities who may not be excited by the music Q magazine would be presenting. However not just London would be targeted as this magazine is allot larger than Clash magazine more cities around the 
country would be targeted to gain a larger fan base and a larger level of consumption.

Music Magazine & Audience Analysis

Audience Profiles

Approx. age range of audience

The approximate age range for NME magazine would be around 16-45
Gender of audience

The gender of the magazine would be in my opinion a mixture of males and females as different genres of music would be presented to please both genders.
Genre(s) of music they like

The genre of music will be very varied however would have a large percentage of rock music and Indie music as it is a dominant genre of music and therefore would be more appealing to a larger audience of both genders therefore maximising readership for both females and males. 
Examples of favourite bands/artists

 NME magazines artists would include modern artists that are usually making new music or promotion of a new album. Also for example the use of noel Gallagher would attract an older generation as oasis would have been an extremely big band at the start of the 20th century.
Types of clothes they wear (include 

The clothes that Noel Gallagher would be wearing look very professional and would also be very casual, this would represent Noel well as he is a from a working class background which would make him relate to a large percentage of the audience.
Types of jobs the audience might have

The audience may have inner city jobs that are modern, this would be a C1 and up magazine in terms of audience profiling. This would give allot of people a chance to buy the magazine which is more expensive than NME magazine however would have a increased chance of consumers paying a higher price due to the larger fan base.
Hobbies / interests

The target audience would be a different variety of ages and therefore would be hard to generalise hobbies and interests. However they would be interested in Rock and Indie music.

Product Analysis - NME
The cost of NME is £2.50, this would be more expensive then clash however would be less expensive compared to Q magazine,  when comparing the two magazines I can infer that Q magazine would have a larger majority of pages and therefore manufacturing prices would be allot more than Clash and NME magazine. This would be due to the fact that NME magazine is more prestigious compared to Q and Clash and therefore the price can be set whatever they please.
Advertisers (mag)
The advertisement used in NME magazine would show that the types of music can be advertised in the magazines would be mostly rock and pop music, musicians such as Noel Gallagher and Charli XCX. This would allow me to generalise the target audience as a elder generation however would still have a younger audience attracted to the pop music and culture.
Reader Interaction
The readers would be able to interact by various social media sites that NME magazine would own and would actively involved within the community, this would be great for the magazine company as more consumers would be able to give their opinion and would make the editors of the magazine think about what content they are putting out to the world and would they could improve on that content. However “Q” and “Clash” social media influence would be restricted as in comparison is not very large and therefore it would make it hared for “Q” and “Clash” to set trends and have the same influence other magazines such as NME magazine would be able to have. NME magazine would have a Facebook account, Twitter, Pintrest, and YouTube plus. 
The Facebook account would have 521,000 likes
The Twitter account would have 739,000 Followers
The Pintrest account would have 106,000 Followers
The YouTube account would have 82,000 Followers

When comparing this to Clash and “Q”  reader interaction NME’s magazine is allot more dominant and superior, this may be due to the fact that NME’s magazine was established before Clash magazine and “Q” magazine and also could be due to the amount of platforms that NME is on, this would be effective as the more known NME is around the internet more and more people globally would be interested and would hear about what it is they have to offer. Due to NME’s size and dominance on social media they can defiantly set trends allot more easily this would make NME more powerful and more influential to gain a better understanding and knowledge f what the consumers want.

Promotions & Competitions
NME Magazine would have many competitions these competitions would include a trip to Austin Texas, tickets to festivals, new Guitars and other music items such as radio’s and speakers , NME would use promotion of new artists very effectively, the artists presented would more than likely be making a new album or would have a hit single that is out at the current moment in time. They would also target a specific genre which would be either Rock or Pop 


The content of NME magazine would be predominantly new artists that would be involved in Rock or indie music, this would be less mainstream compared to “Q” magazine and “Clash” and this could be an advantage for NME as they would be presenting an authentic sound and not a mainstream sound. 

Market Segmentation

I would say that NME magazine’s audience would demographically be young adults rising to mid 40’s aged in between 16-45 the young target audience age would be due to the modern music presented in the magazine and also would be very bright colours with also some dark colours to attract both age groups young and old. The artists on the front of the magazine would also be very modern and therefore as the consumer would see the magazine they would be attracted and intrigued by the artist, However acts such as Noel Gallagher would attract a elder generation.


The geographic would be, Various locations around the world as NME is a mass market therefore would be able to attract an audience from various locations around the world. It is also well known on social media and therefore more people around the world would know NME compared to other magazines such as Clash and “Q”

Music Magazine & Audience Analysis

Audience Profiles

Approx. age range of audience

The approximate age range for Vibe magazine would be around 18-24
Gender of audience

From my resacerch I can infer that Vibe’s gender would majority be a Male majority, however there would still be a large percentage of Female’s that would read Vibe
Genre(s) of music they like

The genre of music that Vibe would like would be Rap and R&B, this would please both Female and Male audiences.
Examples of favourite bands/artists

 Vibes favourite band/artist would be current rappers or R&B stars that would be currently dominating the market or promoting a new album that is close to coming out. 
Types of clothes they wear (include 

The clothes that Akon is wearing would be very eccentric however would be acceptable in the rap and hip hop community.
Types of jobs the audience might have

The audience of Vibe would be very young and therefore would the jobs that these people would have may not be the most sustainable as they may just be looking for work after finishing college or university 
Hobbies / interests

The target audience would be a young age so they would be interested in sports and also rap and hip hop. They are young so they would also like to be around friends and family allot.

Product Analysis - VIBE
The cost of Vibe is £1.60, this would be the cheapest magazine that I have researched and therefore I can infer that this magazine is not targeted at the higher social status people, when comparing the magazines I can infer that Vibe has allot more news and therefore allot more pages than the other magazines, this would mean it would possibly take more money to manufacture Vibe however they have their prices low. 
Advertisers (mag)
The advertisement used in Vibe magazine would show that the types of music can be advertised in the magazines would be mostly Rap and R&B music, musicians such as J. Cole, Chris Brown and Omarion would be more prevalent in this magazine. This would allow me to generalise the target audience as a elder generation however would still have a younger audience attracted to the Rap and R&B music culture.
Reader Interaction
The readers would be able to interact by various social media sites that Vibe magazine would own and would actively involved within the community, this would be great for the magazine company as more consumers would be able to give their opinion and would make the editors of the magazine think about what content they are putting out to the world and would they could improve on that content. However “Q” and “Clash” social media influence would be restricted as in comparison is not very large and therefore it would make it hared for “Q” and “Clash” to set trends and have the same influence other magazines such as Vibe & NME magazine would be able to have. Vibe magazine would have a Facebook account, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. 
The Facebook account would have 1,361,270 likes
The Twitter account would have 606,000 Followers
The Instagram account would have 50,000 Followers
The YouTube account would have 30,000 Followers

When comparing this to Clash and “Q”  reader interaction Vibe’s magazine is allot more dominant and superior, this may be due to the fact that Vibe’s magazine was established before Clash magazine and “Q” magazine and also could be due to the amount of platforms that Vibe is on I also believe that it is because Vibe is allot more representable to the Rap community and would arguably be a monopoly when dealing with Rap and Hip-Hop magazines, this would be effective as the more known Vibe is around the internet more and more people globally would be interested and would hear about what it is they have to offer. 

Promotions & Competitions
Vibe magazine does not have any present competitions on their magazine, Vibe magazine would however promote their new brands inside of Vibe in their magazine, this would be for example their new style page on their website that promotes fashionable items that rap and hip-hop stars are wearing.

The content of vibe magazine would be predominantly rap and hip-hop based, however there is a new fashion section for other audience’s to enjoy so therefore it would not only be music that consumers would be Vibe for. 

Market Segmentation

I would say that Vibe magazine’s audience would demographically be young adults aged in between 18-25 the young target audience age would be due to the modern music presented in the magazine and also would be very bright colours and well known starts on the cover to attract the age group. The artists on the front of the magazine would also be very modern and therefore as the consumer would see the magazine they would be attracted and intrigued by the artist

The geographic would be, Various locations around the world as Vibe is a mass market therefore would be able to attract an audience from various locations around the world. It is also well known on social media and therefore more people around the world would know Vibe compared to other magazines such as Clash and “Q”. Vibe would also attract allot of consumers in America where Vibe is originally based and would be representative for many young adults in North America.

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