Friday 11 March 2016

Criteria to be used for my magazine 

Must have?
Could have?
Where seen
How will I use it
Intended impact

I will use the masthead to present my magazine to consumers with a large title for my magazine. 
The impact is it would create a clear and strong impression on the reader as it would allow them to read the title of the magazine easily. This would be eye catching for the reader who would want to buy the magazine if it is striking and legible. Rather than an illegible masthead which would look unpleasing.
Main image

I will use this as the main attraction to my magazine, it will gain my magazine attention.
This would be used to enable the consumers to see what genre the music magazine is and give a long lasting impression on what the magazine will be inside contents wise. 

I will use this subtly to make the magazine look more professional.  
The barcode is an integral party of making the magazine look professional and would apply to the codes and conventions of any music magazine. This would make my magazine look more realistic and suitable.
Cover lines

Cover line would be used to show what is inside my magazine from the front cover.
This can give my consumer an idea of what it is inside the magazine to make them feel more informed about the content of the magazine without actually buying it and/or reading it. Would be a good tool to allow consumers to buy the magazine if they read something they like. 
Flush left/right

Could be used to organise my text onto a page making the magazine look appealing and more legible 
Would be used effectively when spacing out my page, this would make it easier for the consumers to read my magazine with the txt not being crowded out. Ultimately making the magazine look less clustered. 
Serif/sans serif

I will use this to make my articles, look more appealing and make it easier to read. 
This font would be a good size for the magazine as it would neither be too small or too big, this font is seen throughout all the magazines  I have researched however it would not be overused as it makes it easy for the consumer to gain knowledge though legible writing. 

Going to be used as a marketing tool that promotes the magazine.
Straplines would be a way of promotion about any brand extensions or synergies that my product may have, this could be items such as free CD’s. 

This is going to be placed on the front of the magazine to allow my own ideology.
This would allow the consumers to acknowledge my opinion about the magazine, it will hopefully make them identify that this is a trustworthy and reliable magazine.
Pull quote

Able to empathise and interest to the article that would attract consumers. 
When used effectively a pull quote can promote a certain page of the magazine well, for instance if a pull quote is use on the contents page I can advertise the page with a way of promotion. This would make it easier or the consumer to get to the page they like.
Drop Cap

Would be used at the top of my article on the front of the magazine or on my double page spread. 
This would be useful to the audience as well as follow the codes and conventions of a normal music magazine as it would allow them to know where the start of the article would be allowing it to be easier for them to read.

Able to make the main article stand out and look aesthetically pleasing for the audience. 
This would be used in all of the magazines I have researched effectively as it would allow the consumer to see the main topic of the magazine, this would allow them to gain a first impression. 
Picture Boost

Used effectively in a way of promotion that is visible on my magazine front cover
This will give the picture a more professional look and would apply to the codes and conventions of a music magazine. It will allow the consumer to see the content that is in the magazine just through the use looking at my picture. 

Will be able to present the consumer with allot of information. 
The intended impact of the banner is would have is a use of promotion by the magazine its self. This would attract customers.   
Negative Space

Would be used to make space in between text on my front cover.
When implementing negative space I will be able to create a clear indication of where text would finish and where another set of text would begin making it easy for consumers to read.  This would be good for the consumers as they would be more obliged to read the magazine again.

Would be useful to use as it would allow me to separate and organise my text to make it easier for the consumers to see.
Text would be more compact and would be more structured which would make it easier for my audience to read and I can add allot of information into a small part of the magazines front cover, this would mean that I can advertise or inform consumers about my product on the front cover.
Column gutter

Would be to spread columns away from each other creating an uncluttered front page. 
Would have an intended effect to spread out columns that would otherwise be too close together or close to text. This would make the page more presentable.
Puff piece

Could be used to enhance article that would emphasise my article. 
This would be used on the front cover of my magazine and the content would be represented be editorialised comments which would make it more interesting for the consumer.
House style

Would have an identifiable running throughout the magazine.
Would run throughout the entirety of the magazine and would be my magazines identity and consumers would be able to identify that it is my magazine. Would also follow codes and conventions.
Facing pages

Would be used for my double page spread as it would allow it to cover over two pages.
Would make the consumers focus more on the double page spread. And would make them want to read it more, this would promote consumption as it is more interesting than other magazine articles.

Used effectively when commenting on illustrations on any image on the magazine.
When used effectively it would make my images stand out more and make the consumer attracted by them more. It would make them clearer and more attractive. 
WOB (white on black)

Would be used as a contrast effect, allowing text to standout and catch readers’ attention.
This would create sharp contrast and would be more striking for my audience who would be able to see the text and images more clearly. It would promote consumption as it would not make it hard fir the consumer to access information.  

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