Monday 29 February 2016

Questionaire 2

What do I want to know?

For this task i will need to plan a suitable questionnaire in relation to my music magazine, magazine i will be able to deliver a broad range of questions that would be vital information when making my magazine, this information would include details such as the audiences favorite music genre to allow me to make a magazine that would appeal to my audience and encourage consumption. Using a questionnaire i will gain third party feedback upon ideas i have myself over my magazine, these things would include the chance at a  prize that would be promoted in the top corner of the magazine. The ultimate goal for my questionnaire would be to gain key information on what that particular consumer would want in their magazine. 

What information do I need?

When looking at the feedback key information I would need would be what my consumer would truthfully, this could be a variety of things such as what the questioned participant would like to see on the front cover e.g. A large image, dark colors. I will also need to know key information about the consumer personally, this would be things such as age, gender and how many magazines they would buy in a week. However when analyzing the information all details will remain confidential and therefore would not be embarrassing or anyone would see them apart from me. This would make me trustworthy and eliminate participants being worried about information. The information would be decisive in making me think about color schemes, images, features and much more, therefore this part of information would be vital in the research element of making my magazine.  
How am I going to analyse each question to get the results that I need?

When analyzing the information I have received i will use a pie graph to display the findings and show them on my blog, this will allow me to asses the information easily and also allow me to gain results quickly as it would not be trouble to open and analyse them. I also can them compare the results to my other survey that I have done initially. This would enable me to understand what the consumer would really want and what i can discard as the small minority would want. When analyzing the results i need to understand this is a crucial part of  

Time Management:

When thinking about time management I will ensure that I gain my results quickly and efficiently enough that I can analyse them and distribute another questionnaire if the previous two are not conclusive enough. Gaining the information quickly will allow me make changes to my initial research and also my end product design. The magazine would need the results as these are the my target audience. 

Questions I will include will consist of:

When looking at the questions I have asked I am able to gain a wide variety of answers with the use of open ended questions that may be able to give me critical results that I can then use on my final music magazine. I have chosen to include questions such as what colour schemes my audience would like to see as I will be able to implement this however would need to know what genre I am making the magazine firstly to ensure it meets the codes and conventions. 

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