Thursday 18 February 2016

Action Plan


After completing my preliminary task I am now fully focused on making my main task. From what I have learned during my preliminary I will be taking that and using it to help create a music magazine's front cover, contents page and double page spread. Using what I have already learnt during my time making my preliminary using the software InDesign, Photoshop and a professional camera I will develop myself further in aiding to create a better, more efficient and professional looking product that will reflect the current codes and conventions of an existing demographic  

Firstly, I am going to research into different magazines that are already existing to give myself further insight into the market I am producing for.
Secondly I will be creating a brand eye that will allow myself to gather information that will enable me to understand my target audience further and maintain a goal of what my product will have to meet.
Next I will look at the current codes and conventions of existing music magazines, look at the ideologies surrounding it, and develop myself a House style.
Finally I will combine all of these elements as well as use the skills I have developed when creating my preliminary task to manufacture a product for the consumers.

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