Thursday 31 March 2016

initial construction of contents page

Overall i can see that after putting my magazine into indesign and adding some subheadings that would be what my audience would have wanted, I know this due to my questionnaire. The subheadings would be a array of colours such as Red, White and black. this would be my house style and this would run consistently throughout my magazine. I have added a large title which would be the vocal point of my magazine front page as it allows consumers to know what is in my magazine and what to expect when reading the main article, i have used a large font and also some effects such as a gradient overlay for the text to make the writing look more professional at the top right hand side of my magazine cover i have implemented a score. this would be so that consumers would know what is included into my magazine, in this case a free gift code would be included, this once again also was one aspect my target audience would specify would make them more interested in my magazine and therefore i felt i need to include it. The size of the fonts would also be a changing theme. I have used many different types of font sizes when making the front cover of my magazine the Name of "K.Will" and the "50" on the left hand side are both allot bigger than the rest of the subheadings and therefore consumers would be more likely to read these headings from a distance.
For my initial thinking on my contents page i believed that this image would be the correct one. however i didm not thin k the colour of the image went well with my house style. therefore i knew that i would have to change the colour of the image. I places the default photo on a A4 sheet in photoshop and began to place it in the left hand corner, i have done this as in my research on contents pages most i have seen had the main image on the left hand side with the writing on the right hand side. I then deleted the background and began to work out what colour i should make my image, continuing with the house style i decided to make my image white and black however this would not have looked good by itself
therefore i decided o find an image that would show more about my double page spread, I then chose this picture of the New York skyline, this would fit perfectly with my double page spread as it is all about my actor going to New York and touring there. I then began to manipulate the photo and in doing so have made the skyline inside of the actor, I have done this by cropping the side of my image so that it fits the actors outline. i believe that this looks more professional and would also be a good manipulation to explain here on my blog. When duplicating the image I then had to change the
opacity of the actors photo so that the consumer could recognise the actor and the new york skyline that would relate to the article. I then gave the image a colour overlay to make it black and white which would be my house style. This would make my actor look more intimidating and therefore would make the reader more interested in what it is my actor is going to be discussing when he is being interviewed on my double page spread. Lastly i have now put a backdrop on the contents page which is a white background however i have used a black brush tool on photoshop to gentley bruch the edges of my page to make it look more professional and almost give the page a silver look which would make it
look more authentic then just plain white. I then had to change the opacity of the brush tool to make sure the black brush was not to overpowering and the main focus was still on the main manipulated image. I then created a black border running on the outside of my page. This would make sure the reader knows which part they should be reading and also it would look pleasing as the black line does not go over the main image, this would make the image look even more professional and once again would still mean the main image is the manipulated one. I have added a simple title on to the contents page and a small subheading underneath which would greet the readers and make them aware of what is coming up in the magazine.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Initial Front cover


My original cover photo would have been the one shown above, however I did not believe that it would look nice and professional as the model in the background is slightly blurred and this would in my opinion would not give the magazine front cover a good look that would attract readers just purely based on first impressions. I also believe that the inclusion of the second model may be confusing for the audience as i plan for my title cover to be the name of my main feature which in this case would be called "K.Will" I have used Mis-en-scene to make it look like a typical rap/Hip-Hop magazine, the dark clothing aswell as the feature of the bandana around his neck would make him look more intimidating which is a current theme when i have been researching through different magazines. I have chosen to use Photoshop as my image manipulation software as i am very familiar with the programme having used it for many years in the past. 

I have chosen this to be my final image on my magazine front cover, I have chosen this image specifically as it is a good representation of a stereotypical rap magazine, The image is medium close up which i am able to use effectively as it shows both facial expressions and the straight back and strong upper body that my model would poses, The mis-en-scene is still apparent as I have still included the sunglasses, I believe that this is a good use of Mis-en-scenec as It presents my model as being intimidating swell as a sense of mystery because the audience cannot see his eyes. As shown on the screen I have moved the image down, this is so i can add a bar at the top and include a strap line, other than this the original image is quite plain, I have used lighting on my model to add an additional glow on my models face, without this light my image would be underexposed and hard for the consumer to read, I have also used a dark cloudy background, this would empthatise the sense of mystery of my model and his character "K.Will" I also think that it looks aesthetically pleasing and would compliment the lighter colours on the front of my models hoodie and also my masthead that i was currently pondering over.

Now I have added the dark bar at the top of the magazine cover, i believe when i add some brighter text it would look good as there would be a apparent contrast, I have now also added my original logo, when looking at my magazine cover so far I believe that it was the wrong shape as it took to much space for a masthead, as a traditional rap magazine do not have a very large masthead, Also i believe that i am now going to manipulate the image and make the masthead go behind my models head, this would look more professional and I have also seen this on my music magazines when researching for my own individual magazine. I am able to do tho shy myself with very little help and should not take to long. When choosing my logo i came up with some varied options some options were different shapes and colours however i believe that the colour way on this logo is very good and looks attractive to my consumers, however i Believe the shape of the logo would be wrong and it does not go with the rest of the magazine I am aiming to create.

As you can now see i have edited the masthead to make it a oval shape, I believe this would look much better when inserting it behind my models head, I have also added a stroke and drop shadow to the masthead, this would make the logo look more professional and give the 2-D image more depth, when looking at my magazine I believe that the masthead is now also the right size however i believe that i can manipulate this and change the rotation of the masthead to make it all fit on the magazine cover, I would prefer to make the masthead large because it would enable me to attract more consumers as the masthead would be recognisable compared to other logos from the same genre of music, I have also put the masthead under the layer of my dark bar running across the top of my magazine front cover, this would once again give the masthead more depth of field as it would look more 3 dimensional.

As shown on the screen shot to the left i have began to start the process of making the masthead go beyond my models head, what i have done is using photoshop i have duplicated the original image however have hidden the image this would allow me to have a singular image on display without using the eraser tool on both of the layers, i have then erased the outline of my models head this would then allow me to move the layer and move it in front of the mastheads layer. this would now mean that my models face is in front of the masthead creating the illusion that the magazine front cover is 3 dimensional. to complete this i must now un hide the duplicate layer of my base image and it would look very professional and very clean, i have decided to do this as judging upon my research many Hip-Hop magazines have used this and it looks very professional. I have decided to use the colours red as it would be an indication of danger usually associated with the stereotypical life of a rap star, i have also used the colour white not just as a contrast but to indicate purity and that the purity of my character could be in danger, i have also added a pattern to my masthead text, this would ad allot of depth in the text with the added gradient overlay on the masthead text, this would make my masthead very original as i have not seen this done elsewhere before.

Now having un hidden my duplicate image it is clear to see that the masthead is behind my models head and i believe that this  makes the image look much more professional, when looking at the image i can now identify that it would need text and a large amount of subheadings this way it would truly meet the codes and conventions of a music magazine, another way i am able to meet the codes and conventions of a music magazine would be to include and price and barcode, i have taken a screen shot to show that i am able to implement these convention onto my magazine, i believe that this would mean my magazine would be more professional and would make my magazine look like just another music magazine to choose from when shopping, I have gone against the conventions slightly by adding in a unique "parental explicit" sign to the bottom of my magazine front cover, I believe this would be suitable because

my magazine would be based upon rap/hip-hop music, this would mean my character may use profanities throughout the magazine article which could occur, as you can also see i have added some social media logos in the bottom corner of my magazine front cover, this i believe would be a small promotion technique swell as informing my the target audience that the magazine is on social media.

in this print screen i have added two more images that would make my magazine look more professional and would also make them look more realistic, when researching i have seen many magazines that would have smaller images on the sides of the front cover, this would be to draw attention away from the main image and make it pleasing to look at, it can also inform the reader as to what it is that is coming up in the article. I have managed to do this by putting the images into a separate photoshop file and cropped out the edges to fit in behind the actors arm. I have also then added a stroke on the outside of the images to distinguish where the main image stops and where the smaller images start.

Sunday 27 March 2016



Here is the link where all my photos are located from my initial shoot, this would allow me to show progression in my second shoot. I think the initial shoot could have gone better as the quality of the photos are not at the best standard, however I would say that I have captured some good photographs also. For instance above are the best 10 photos I have taken from the initial shoot.


And here is a Prezi to all my phots from the second shoort which has more variety and a different actor to play the same roll. 

Monday 21 March 2016

House Style

In this Prezi I will discuss my house style that I am planning to use which includes Fonts, Colours, Magazine name and Language devices

Target Audience Analysis & Language Devices

Q magazine
Language Use

The use of punctuation in the initial quote shows that the person who said it may be serious or ironic, however the exclamation point could show that the tone of the interview is a serious conversation and that he is trying to get his point across.
Use of quotes
The use of quotes enable NME to show some of what the actor is saying, the use of quotes show the personal relationship that the interviewer could have with the main actor in the article. “I’m binging ginger back!” The use of this quote sows that he is unique as he has ginger hair, it also shows the he is a current artist as he is referring in present tense. 
The quote could be seen as irony as it could be referring to the Justin Timberlake song, “im bringing sexy back” this provides the audience with comedy and also makes the double page spread seem more of a discussion than an interview as it is seen as more friendly.
Persuasive tone
Throughout the double page spread I can see The producer of the interview is using a consistent persuasive tone to get his point across about Ed Sheeran.

Links to target audience
Column Gutter
The purpose of the column gutter will be too separate the articles, This makes the magazine spread look very professional and also make it easier for the consumer to read.
“The space between types of columns”
Between columns that there is enough negative space in between each one. This will then spread the paragraphs and makes the page look wider and more text heavy while still having negative space.
The type o audience that will read this magazine are between the ages of 17-30, this could mean that they do not have allot of time to read a whole magazine and therefore will need this space to save time.
The purpose is to inform the consumers hat the spread is about, therefore it will give the audience some idea of what it is they are going to be reading.
“I’m bringing ginger back!”
The use of the subheading is used in the bottom left of the double page spread, it is white and red which shows the colour scheme of the whole magazine.
The audience may like a large subheading in the bottom corner as it informs the audience what the spread is going to involve.
Negative Space
There is negative space to counter the positive space which is the text, the negative space 
Is the space where there is no text or image just white space
On this double page spread there is not allot negative space as it is mostly filled with the background image.
The audience may like a more text heavy double page spread and prefer information over creativity, however will still have a large dominating image.

NME - 

Language Use

The subheading is a large quote that takes up the majority of the page, it is large and also makes the article more personal. “People think in an attention seeker, but im just honest” could show that the actor is rebellious.
Formal language 
When reading the double page spread I can see that there is no informal language that could make the magazine double page spread look unprofessional and colloquial, NME will have a reputation to maintain and therefore will need to keep the magazine up to the NME standard.  

Emotive language
When reading the double page spread I can see that some emotive language was used, words such as “It’s not me it’s you” this is very dramatic and make the double page spread look like a very serious article. 
Embedded Quotes 
The quotes that are embedded makes the article more personal as it comes from their own mouth, this builds trust between the target reader and the producer of the magazine. 

Links to target audience
To attract the reader and get them on personal terms, its first priority is to attract the reader’s attention with a striking pose that matches their music genre.
The prominent item that takes up the majority of the page.
The image shows Lilly Allen sideways to the camera, the shot is a medium shot as the shoulders of the actor are clearly visible.  
With Lilly Allen being a large star she may attract allot of attention. The image must make the reader interested and if they are fans they will need to make the actor recognisable.
The headline of this article is to promote the content of the double page spread, and also let the audience know what the double page spread will be about. 
The main headline should be either in the present or future tense also it will have to be quite large to draw attention. 
The headline is found at the top of the page, it is large and will take up the majority of the double page spread. 
The large headline will attract the audience as it is large and has striking colours, The font is unique and tis will draw attention t the main headline which shows what is in the double page spread.
White on black creates a nice contrast which is very professional and makes the image stand out more as everything is white and black except the main image.
White on black is when the colours white and black are used to create a contrast in colour. 
The white on black creates a very striking image as It is distinctive and also will stand out more for the audience.
The audience will be attracted by the WOB text, the effect will also be complimentary with the font as it will be unique and target the audience of NME which is edgy.
Negative space 
Negative space is needed to create space In between the text and the white background, this creates space and allows spacing in between the two.  This allows the difference too make it look professional.  
Is the space where there is no text or image just white space
On this double page spread there is not allot negative space as it is mostly filled with the background image.
The audience may like a more text heavy double page spread and prefer information over creativity, however will still have a large dominating image.

Vibe – 

Language Use

The punctuation used in this interview in good effect, The use of full stops mean that sentences are shorter which creates dramatic effect. It also saves space as the paragraphs will be shorter in length, this will make it more appealing for the consumers to read as it will take less tie to finish. 
Rhetorical Question
There is a rhetorical question in the main headline as the question “How high” this is a rhetorical question and it makes the reader think, however it is not a large rhetorical question and could be missed out. 

Emotive language
There is emotive language used and is effective in making the magazine contents more serious, Text such as “I dreamed about success in the music industry” this shows that the interview is very formal and also could be inspiring.
Embedded Quotes 
There is an embedded quote that states “I dreamed about success in the music industry” this is an embedded quote that makes the interview feel more personal.

Links to target audience
The CVI is there to make the readers interested, the image is very striking.
The prominent item that takes up the majority of the page.
The image shows that Wiz Khalifa is smoking, this could show a rebellious mind state that most artists of this genre represent.  
The audience may like the same things as what the artist is representing. 
The headline will show a logo, the logo will be black and yellow. 
The main headline should be either in the present or future tense also it will have to be quite large to draw attention. 
The headline is found at the top right of the page, it is large and will take up the majority of the double page spread. The logo is effective as it is unique and a long headline is not necessary.  
The logo/headline is unique as It is black and yellow and a l0go. This is not common for a music magazine to have however it suits the simplicity of this double page spread.
There is a filler, a filler reduces the amount of negative space that the double page spread would contain.
An item that reduces the amount of negative space there is on the double page spread.
On this double page spread there is a singular filler that is used in the bottom right of the spread. Which is the words “A small fortune” in a different colour text. 
This will target the audience as they may not have time to read a long article however it spaces out the page well and makes the article more manageable for the young Vibe targeted audience 
Negative space 
Negative space is needed to create space In between the text and the white background, this creates space and allows spacing in between the two.  This allows the difference to make it look professional.  
Is the space where there is no text or image just white space
On this double page spread there is a fair amount of negative space, the space will allow the magazine double page spread to look professional and not too busy which is seemingly what the page is trying to accomplish 
The audience may like a more text heavy double page spread and prefer information over creativity, however will still have a large dominating image.