Wednesday 23 December 2015

In this lesson I will be drafting 3 alternative ideas upon my magazine’s tittle name, when selecting my tittle name I must find a balanced name that will be recognizable as well as informative upon what my magazine is about. I will be stating 3 different ideas as this will give me a good variety and a large selection when finally choosing my last magazine tittle template. Each of my three titles will be a different genre as this will again give me diversity and a unique selling point. 

This will gain me a larger audience as although my magazine is strictly a school magazine my title can give a hint/indication as too what is inside my magazine, after looking at existing magazines i have came up with the following five magazine names;

  • AHS Intake
I have chosen this as a possible option as it would be a very direct title that would grab the readers attention. It would also indicate that through the magazine the consumer would intake information. I have also chosen the initials to be on the start of the title as it would make the magazine more representable of my target audience. 
  • Acton NewsFlash
I have chosen Acton NewsFlash as it would show that my magazine would educate the consumers as to what is going on inside of the school. "News flash" would also infer that the news would be fast and the consumer would be able to be up to date quickly.
AHS would once again stand for the name of my school. "Mix" would show the wide variety of news topics that the magazine would cover during the magazine entireity. Topics such as Sports, grades and social life will Al be featured in the magazine and therefore "Mix" would be fitting.
  • Pupil Forum
The pupil forum would traditional allow students to converse and reflect with each other, this may mean that my magazine would allow the consumers to be actively involved in the magazine and with each other. The "pupil" would be more direct and would attract the consumer.
  • Educate
A short title that would be both catchy and recognisable. The word could mean two things, one being that the magazine would educate them in what is happening inside of school and could also mean in a schooling term as that it what the consumers would be in school to do. Overall I belive that this is the title I would choose as the length and meaning of the word would be both different and would be aesthetically pleasing when being looked at by my target audience. 

Having five names will give me a vast array of people to choose from, this would allow me to choose the suitable name from the selected few i have chosen. overall this would help me create the best name for my magazine.

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