Thursday 7 January 2016

Magazine Drafts

 To the left and right of the screen are two draft attempts I have created when thinking about my magazine front cover, the draft to the left consists of a dominating main image with sub headings that would be going down the left hand side of the page. This would be easily visible for the consumer and wold allow them to understand what is in the magazine when looking ing one place. the right side of the page would show a unusual design with the masthead running through the  idle of the main image.

 This is the main image that I have chosen as it would be once again main image dominated. This would proudly show off the model that I have chosen and would also be clearly visible for the consumers to see what the title of the magazine is called. The masthead would be quite large. My magazine would have used some codes and conventions as well. The use of subheadings and a barcode is a existing theme running through many existing school magazines. I believe that I will be using a medium close shot to show my models face and facial expressions effectively. The use of subheadings would make my magazine front cover more busy, this would also make my magazine look more professional and realistic. I believe that the title I have chosen "Educate" will fit well at the masthead spot that is clearly shown below.

 The two drawings here are attempts at a contents page that I have considered when creating my preliminary task. The option to the left would show a large dominating image with text on the left with the text. This would allow the reader to clearly distinguish what the contents are and who is going to be in the magazine (e.g. main image) The image to the right of the screen would show the contents being listed on the bottom of the screen this would be different and unconventional.

My chosen contents page has the title in the top right hand corner of the page, this would show the consumers that it is the title of the page. The image would be dominating once more and would be a medium close hip therefore the consumer would be able to look into the eyes of the model with my intended pose being one that my model would look into the camera creating an illusion that the model is looking at the consumer which would make it more personal.

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