Wednesday 20 January 2016


Photography Research
In today's lesson my peers have taught my the basics upon photography, the students that taught me were/are photography students and have good knowledge upon the subject, from the slideshow I have learnt four ways that i can implement in my own work

Overexposed - An overexposed photo would be when the image has been exposed to too much light and would make the photo very bright and would not be aesthetically pleasing, this would mean that the photo would not be able to be attractive and would not be eye-catching for my target audience. A example photo would be; as you can see, the image is very bright and would not be very clear as the visual effects from the sun would be overpowering and would create a very sensitive photo.

Underexpose - An underexposed photo would be when the image is dark when tampering with the contrast and exposure of the photo, and underexposed photo would not allow a clear image and may not be visible clearly for the target audience to see, A hard magazine to view would not be beneficial to me as my magazine would not be attractive as it would be too dark. A example photo would be; as you can see from this picture, this photo is underexposed, the shadow and the overall image is darker than the overexposed image, and this again could be empowering and you overall not be a great image because it would not be effective.

Depth of field - A depth of field would be when the background would be blurred out, solely focusing on the main image, The empathises the image and would only focus on the main image. the blur would be an effect and would be very good for a magazine cover as the blur would be a good base for the text that would be located on the side of the front cover meanwhile still distinguishing the main image.
a example photo would be;

Medium close up - A medium close up would be a good way to show the face as well as some of the upper body, this specific shot will be good for a magazine cover as it would first of all show the whole face and would also show a close aspect of the face whereas any other shot may restrict the view and would no longer be suitable for a magazine cover.
a example photo would be;
From this photo you can clearly see that, this is a professional photo and all around a good looking photo, it shows facial expressions and also clothing on the top part of the body. This would be amazing for my personal photography as it would fit my magazine well and would also be a perfect medium close up.

Overall I can see that I can use a varied array of these particular photography techniques and methods to create a very professional and very clean edit on a photo, having this would mean that my photography would be tophe end and I can use all of what I have learnt today to create a very nice image. I may use some of these techniques in my own magazine on purpose to create an effect on my models face. I may also use a underexposed photograph to create a dark and loony image. This may be to fit a house style or to create a sense of mystery around my actor. I may use a underexposed image to crate a more visible image this would be able to be seen by all of the consumers.

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