Saturday 19 December 2015

In this lesson I have taken a couple of photos that would showcase my photography skills, I have a lack of knowledge when it comes to gating photos so this would be a new experience for me and would mean  my photos would not be those of a high standard, however the photos I have taken would help me develop my skills in the future and hopefully will make my magazine overall better. From these photos I have learnt that I would need a professional camera to make my photographs look much more professional, This would make my end product very worthwhile as all of the shots would be those of a high standard. Making my magazine look very clean and precise.

From this attempt at a medium close up shot it is clear to see that my photography skill are not at a peak. I have chosen to take the photograph with a black backdrop, this would be due to me trying to experiment with alternative backdrops that I believe would be effective while making my preliminary task. The equipment I have used would be a DSLR camera which allows me to take high quality pictures that I would be able to use in my making of the preliminary task. I found the organisation of models to be easy, this would be due to me using models that would be willing to participate. I found re creating different shots difficult as this would be my first time using a DSLR camera. I would develop my skills by practising taking photos at similar angles using a range of models and poses.

In this attempt I have chosen an alternative camera angle and pose, this would be to add a variety of images to test my abilities in taking photographs. The equipment I have chosen throughout the shoot would be the same DSLR camera. I n my opinion this image would look worse due to the fact that the background is not completed properly and therefore looks sloppy and un professional. In the next photograph I take I will remove the backdrop entirely to create variance once again. However, I think this is a more accurate attempt at a medium shot as it shows more of the upper body of my actor and allows a pose to be used effectively as the viewer can see more of the models body.

This is attempt number 3 which entails another medium close up which i believe is more successful when compared to previous attempts. However I believe that this is a weaker attempt as no backdrop is used and therefore would make the photograph look unprofessional and unworthy to be used in the making of a magazine. Depth of field has been used in this specific photograph and looks effective as the background around the model is not the main focus of the image and would look effective due to no backdrop being present. I believe that this photograph was the easiest to be taken as it would take less organisation and is more natural compared to the previous two images. I found difficult to get good lighting. In the future I must ensure that I use studio lighting to get the perfect image, as this image would be underexposed in my opinion.

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