Tuesday 15 December 2015

From my print screens you can see that I have made and designed two surveys that will hopefully enable me to create a better understanding of what I need to do in order to create a successful magazine that my target audience will enjoy and hopefully find entertaining. Above is an online survey using the website Surveymonkey.co.uk whilst the second is exactly the same question wise but then printed out so that I can receive a hard copy of the data I will receive from the online surveys. I did this to eliminate any for of weakness one may have compared to the other. It was more time consuming, however, the results I believe will be more accurate due to this.

In addition to this I also interviewed an ex-student of the school in order to achieve a greater understanding on what the students of the school would have liked when they were here now that they do not have the opportunity to help us in creating the product of a magazine for the school. In the interview I asked the same questions that I asked the current students in order to get a set of results that were compatible with the rest. This in turn will aid in the collection of results when I use all of them to describe what form of target audience I have. 

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