Tuesday 8 December 2015

In order to gain information on my target audience and actually gain a target audience I believe that the best course of action is to hand out a survey to individuals to understand what they want me to create in order to build a set of conventions I can use later on throughout the course whenever I need help with deciding what will be best for the magazine. Another step I could take is that I could interview someone from the target audiences age range, in order to delve deeper into the subject and find out even further what they want from a new product.

In order to create a survey I decided to use an online one as I believe in has a advantage over a hand written one in that it can be created and released to people at an instant that can then be given back at the same speed. In order to create an online survey I turned to the website www.surveymonkey.co.uk. This website will enable me to create a survey that I can use to gain information about my target audience upon what they would like to see in  my magazine. I will use ten questions to narrow down my specific audience and furthermore know what to include in my own magazine. This is because I do not believe people would be willing to answer more than ten in a short amount of time. I believe survey monkey will be easy to use because it allows the responses to be on my account and then I can see them without the use of any external forces. However, there is a con to online surveys in that people may click any response and not worry about the resulting actions taken due to them not writing the questions down. People may also misunderstand the questions put forward to them.

The question I have been thinking about asking are ones surrounding the target audience such as, an age range question; one that incorporates the gender of the individuals; the extracurricular activities of them and also that of their personal preference and interests. I believe that these will be suitable for my questionnaires as it will allow me to have a more specific idea of what my target audience wants me to create and how I can implement them.

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