Monday 29 February 2016

Questionaire 2

What do I want to know?

For this task i will need to plan a suitable questionnaire in relation to my music magazine, magazine i will be able to deliver a broad range of questions that would be vital information when making my magazine, this information would include details such as the audiences favorite music genre to allow me to make a magazine that would appeal to my audience and encourage consumption. Using a questionnaire i will gain third party feedback upon ideas i have myself over my magazine, these things would include the chance at a  prize that would be promoted in the top corner of the magazine. The ultimate goal for my questionnaire would be to gain key information on what that particular consumer would want in their magazine. 

What information do I need?

When looking at the feedback key information I would need would be what my consumer would truthfully, this could be a variety of things such as what the questioned participant would like to see on the front cover e.g. A large image, dark colors. I will also need to know key information about the consumer personally, this would be things such as age, gender and how many magazines they would buy in a week. However when analyzing the information all details will remain confidential and therefore would not be embarrassing or anyone would see them apart from me. This would make me trustworthy and eliminate participants being worried about information. The information would be decisive in making me think about color schemes, images, features and much more, therefore this part of information would be vital in the research element of making my magazine.  
How am I going to analyse each question to get the results that I need?

When analyzing the information I have received i will use a pie graph to display the findings and show them on my blog, this will allow me to asses the information easily and also allow me to gain results quickly as it would not be trouble to open and analyse them. I also can them compare the results to my other survey that I have done initially. This would enable me to understand what the consumer would really want and what i can discard as the small minority would want. When analyzing the results i need to understand this is a crucial part of  

Time Management:

When thinking about time management I will ensure that I gain my results quickly and efficiently enough that I can analyse them and distribute another questionnaire if the previous two are not conclusive enough. Gaining the information quickly will allow me make changes to my initial research and also my end product design. The magazine would need the results as these are the my target audience. 

Questions I will include will consist of:

When looking at the questions I have asked I am able to gain a wide variety of answers with the use of open ended questions that may be able to give me critical results that I can then use on my final music magazine. I have chosen to include questions such as what colour schemes my audience would like to see as I will be able to implement this however would need to know what genre I am making the magazine firstly to ensure it meets the codes and conventions. 

Music Magazine Analysis

Music Magazine Analysis :

Friday 26 February 2016

I have then made a second questionnaire that would furthermore allow to gain a better understanding of what my audience would be and what they would want to see in my finished magazine.  

What do I need to know?
The goal of my research that I am carrying out would be to gain and identify a target audience as well as gain a greater understanding of what this target audience would lie to see in my music magazine that would appeal to my predicted target audience, I will use a website called survey monkey to gain key information and an appropriate opinion that would benefit me greatly when it comes to making my magazine.

Using this research I can implement some of the requests my population would like to see and manipulate my magazine in order to make the magazine appeal to my target audience and maybe afterwards a larger audience. The things that I would need to know is basic knowledge e.g Age, Gender however I must also be able to gather information upon what genre of music my magazine would be based upon.

The things i would like to know would be, what preferences they would have as to what they would like to see featured in the magazine and what would attract them to purchase my magazine. Basic features such as the price of my magazine and also the critical aspect of the content would all have an influence on my magazines success as the consumers would only pay for something they would like to enjoy. In my magazine i will ask ten questions that would help me gain a better understanding on what it is i would like to know about my audience, my ten questions will be

1. What is your age?
2. What is your gender?
3. What is your favorite music genre?
4. How often do you purchase music magazines?
5. What content would you expect to see in a music magazine?
6. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
7. Would You Be Interested In New Upcoming Artists?
8. Would You Be Interested In New Upcoming Artists? 
9.  Would A Free Gift Encourage You To Buy The Magazine
10. From The Genre You Have Chosen, Please State Your Favorite 3 Artist's
From these questions i will be able to tell what it is i need to include in my magazine to make it appeal more to my target audience and overall make my magazine more successful, these questions would give me both key information on what my target audience would like and also give me idea's on what i could include to make my magazine more attractive however not hinder the overall magazine.   



From the results i can infer that,  most of my audience are the age 16-17 with a surprising  age of 19 years old. This would help me when it comes to making the magazine as I am able to base my magazine upon the age group that has i have been able to infer due to this specific question in the questionnaire. 

from my questionnaire i can infer that my target audience would be a male dominated audience I can use this information wisely as i can use this as and advantage due to the fact i am a male myself and would therefore know what i would like in a magazine and without generalizing too much I am able to represent myself and have a strong influence in what goes in the magazine to please my male audience. 

From my results i can infer that my audience would prefer a rap/hip-hop magazine,  this is due to the overwhelming response  I got in the results a majority of 76% said they would prefer to read a Rap/Hip-Hop magazine. This would mean i will have to research into more rap magazine to find content and layout inspirations to  gain a better understanding upon rap/Hip-Hop magazines.

Wednesday 24 February 2016


Ideologies - 

Q Magazine

Q magazine is a monthly magazine that is published by Bauer Media, this magazine is sold in the UK. Bauer media are a multinational conglomerate and is one of the most established publishing companies in the world. The group is a worldwide media empire offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations. This gives Bauer media allot of power in the publishing competition. Q was firstly established in the year 1986 and have come a long way with interviews with artists such as Ed Sheeran, Tinnie Tempah and Oasis, Q’s target audience is those mostly in a younger generation. The rebellious nature of the magazine commonly suits the youth of the twenty first century. A large percentage of Q readers state that, the magazine is a top quality magazine that offers exclusive interviews, reviews, and award winning photography. Q’s readers are in the ABC1 portion of the general register scale, this means that the readers are not extremely wealthy like comparing this to Vogues target audience all be it that this is for a fashion magazine instead of a music magazine. Q magazine has a circulation of 48,353, and a readership of 339,000, this will show how successful Q magazine are as they have allot following.  

NME Magazine - 

NME magazine is not a monthly magazine but a weekly one, NME is published by IPC Media which is a subsidiary company to Time INC. which is one of the world’s largest and leading media companies. The monthly global print audience of over 120million. The magazine itself stands for new musical express, the shortened version is allot shorter and easy for the target audience to remember and was first launched in 1952 in the Time Inc headquarters located in New York. The target age of all of NME’s audience will be around 25 years old. With a majority of males compared to females, the percentages being 73% and 27% for men and women respectively. The price of the magazine is £2.20 which is affordable due to NME’s target audience being in the general register scale at ABC1, This means the audience are on an affordable income with some disposable income to spend of items such as this magazine. The magazine has a circulation of 56,284 and a readership of 411,000 which is slightly higher than Q magazine meaning NME will have a large amount of financial power with the larger parent company Bauer media and also have a larger readership and circulation.   NME magazine is not a monthly magazine but a weekly one, NME is published by IPC Media which is a subsidiary company to Time INC. which is one of the world’s largest and leading media companies. The monthly global print audience of over 120million. The magazine itself stands for new musical express, the shortened version is allot shorter and easy for the target audience to remember and was first launched in 1952 in the Time Inc headquarters located in New York. The target age of all of NME’s audience will be around 25 years old. With a majority of males compared to females, the percentages being 73% and 27% for men and women respectively. The price of the magazine is £2.20 which is affordable due to NME’s target audience being in the general register scale at ABC1, This means the audience are on an affordable income with some disposable income to spend of items such as this magazine. The magazine has a circulation of 56,284 and a readership of 411,000 which is slightly higher than Q magazine meaning NME will have a large amount of financial power with the larger parent company Bauer media and also have a larger readership and circulation.   

Clash Magazine - 

Is an independent magazine which also establishes popular music and fashion, clash magazine is unique as it is not owned by a large company, however MUSIC REPUBLIC LTD publishes the magazine it is actually still owned by the clash company, The magazine has a target audience of the age around 19-30 this is a young age to read magazines however it is because the magazine gives different topics such as fashion, reviews, articles, videos, promotions and information about up and coming events. Clash magazine uses modern artists such a Rita Ora, Jay-z and other existing modern artists as this applies with the age range of Clash’s target audience, the artists will interest the target audience and therefore the readership will increase.


Mixmag is a electronic and dance music magazine, located in London England. The magazine was initially released in 1982 and covers the latest news regarding electronic and dance music, it will also show reviews and events that are in the genre of the magazine. When first issued, Mixmag was in a newsletter format however when house music began, the editor and DJ Dave Seaman turned the magazine to a DJ's magazine covering a variety of dance music, introducing the magazine to a club culture. The magazine is targeted at 12-24 years old, this is very young as the audience will not be exposed to profanities or and other promiscuous content. The audience its self is a very community based relationship with online forums making it easy for the fans to interact.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Action Plan


After completing my preliminary task I am now fully focused on making my main task. From what I have learned during my preliminary I will be taking that and using it to help create a music magazine's front cover, contents page and double page spread. Using what I have already learnt during my time making my preliminary using the software InDesign, Photoshop and a professional camera I will develop myself further in aiding to create a better, more efficient and professional looking product that will reflect the current codes and conventions of an existing demographic  

Firstly, I am going to research into different magazines that are already existing to give myself further insight into the market I am producing for.
Secondly I will be creating a brand eye that will allow myself to gather information that will enable me to understand my target audience further and maintain a goal of what my product will have to meet.
Next I will look at the current codes and conventions of existing music magazines, look at the ideologies surrounding it, and develop myself a House style.
Finally I will combine all of these elements as well as use the skills I have developed when creating my preliminary task to manufacture a product for the consumers.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Codes & Conventions


Clash magazine

Front Cover:

Masthead: The masthead included on the front cover of the Clash magazine grabs the attention of the readers straight away. This is due in my opinion to the color of the text compared with the color of the background which is a very baby blue and would also happen to be a solid color which would attract the reader and would also make the magazine cover very colorful.
Main Image: The main image of the front cover of the Clash magazine shows a mid-shot of a famous rapper named ASAP Rocky, this image would be very effective as a magazine cover as the bizarre dress sense of ASAP is apparent in the picture, the picture of ASAP is also very colorful similarly to the background, The magazine cover would also show asap rocky with a gold grill this would contrast to ASAP's skin color and may also represent the unique style of ASAP rocky that would also be apparent in his music.The sub title would also be relevant in making the magazine front cover successful as " High Life " may be the stereotypical view that rap stars would smoke allot of drugs, ASAP Rocky would also be looking directly into the camera, this would give the illusion that he is staring into the consumers eyes and therefore creating interface.    
Feature: This particular magazine would feature features from Mac Miller, this would be good for clash music magazine as mac miller is a very well known and established rapper, this would also come under the same category of music as the main image of ASAP Rocky therefore I could implement this into my work by only using features that are of the same genre of music this would attract my audience as more people who are interested in that specific genre of music would want the magazine. The colour of the text is also bright and therefore could be read easily, this would make it easier for the consumer to read from a further distance and would compliment the masthead well which is also white.
The price: The price of this certain magazine is presented on the barcode of the magazine which is positioned in the unusual position of the top right corner of the magazine, this could be to show the unusual way or the hipster image that "Clash" magazine would represent.  From my research upon Clash magazine I can say that a subscription of Clash magazine will cost: £47.88 and a standard single issue would cost : £2.33
Target Audience: I believe the Clash target audience would be relatively young, clash use a variety of different genres which would attract allot of different people to there magazines, an example of clash using different genres would be that on another magazine cover they would have used coldplay which is a completely different genre of music compared to ASAP Rocky. This would be good for the magazine as it would improve sales of Clash and would also attract a wider target audience, The involvement of clothing throughout the magazine would also allow me to make a decision that this magazine would be targeted at a younger age group who can relate more easily to the modern clothes worn in todays society than elder adults.  

Contents page:

Layout: The layout of Clash's contents is very attractive as a vast array of pictures have been used to graph the readers attention, these images have been spread out throughout the entire page, this would be successful for the magazine as readers will be willing to read on and it can also be read very easily with text being split up and ordered chronologically, the contents page's layout also allows consumers to see the page numbers without any restraints.
Colours: The colours used in the contents page are very bright and would make the contents page stand out well, the main title has been manipulated with the end of the "T" reading the issue number, this would give the title a unique element. The title would also be in a bold black colour, this would be to contrast the very white background and make it stand out from other subheadings which would be in a vast array of different colours. All around the contents page would be circles in different colours and sizes, this is a good way of promoting future pages into the magazine and would also give the contents page allot of colour with the circles changing in colour, The font of the magazine would be legible and also would change from different parts of the contents page e.g the sub heading compared to the filler text. 
Images: The images of this contents page would allow the reader to see who and what is involved later on in the magazine, famous celebrities would also be on the contents page as usually when a consumer is debating wether or not to buy the magazine they would flick through some pages first and having more celebrities on the inside of the magazine would be beneficial and would ultimately attract more customers, for example in this particular magazine Adele has been used who is extremely popular in the music industry however contrasting to that another feature would be Chase and Status who is completely different to Adele music wise however is popular within their own genre.

Double page spread:

As seen, there is a large medium close up on the left hand side of the double page spread. When comparing the right hand side to the left hand side is is clearly evident that the right hand side has allot more detail in writing compared to the left hand side which is purely a picture. The writing is organised into three columns which as I have researched would be a theme throughout many double page spreads throughout Clash's magazine. Overall I would say that Clash's intention for this magazine would be that it looks very simple however would be very effective as not allot of imagery had to be used as the picture on the left hand side is very striking with the topless man and this would continue with the theme that Clash is very modern with different ideas that would not usually be seen within other mainstream magazines. The models face is looking directly at the camera causing a illusion that the model is looking at the reader he is also topless that is quite unusual, the Image would also show various tattoos of the model again once more showing the unique and peculiar ways of this magazine. I have also noticed that the double page spread doesn’t contain any kind of images scattered around what shows the professionalism of the magazine. The double page spread also uses different types of fonts with the heading and the writers name being the boldest type of font on the paper, with the font of the actual article being very small and would be quite hard to read this is something to thick about on  my magazine as i could improve on this double page spread as i could use a bigger font to make it easier to read.

Q magazine

Front Cover:

Masthead: The masthead of this magazine is placed in the top left corner of the magazine. It looks simple as there is only one, white letter “Q” placed on a red background. However, the white colour stands out on the red background. It is easy to notice and therefore it is the first element that will grab reader’s attention. The "Q" on the magazine would be very big, I would say this is because the magazine is only one letter and would therefore need to have a title that would really stand out to show the importance of the magazine when comparing it too its competitors, this would be effective as "Q" is very easy to remember compared to other existing magazine labels so consumers will be able to remember the name of the magazine as it is only one syllable. My magazine can take inspiration from this as I believe that the masthead is very successful by using bright colours and also having a very bright background that would easily catch the readers attention.
The masthead would also be very unique and unconventional as it seems to go outside of the border and in that space they have given their email address and also the issue number of the magazine, this would be a good way to promote a website or any type of social media however i believe that it would only suite the magazine if it has a messy feel towards the front cover and would not look good if it was on a cover such as "Clash" which is more simplistic.   
The tagline: A tagline is present under the masthead stating "discover great music" this would be effective as it is a very short slogan that could be easily linked to the magazine when heard by word of mouth, I can use this in my work as a short slogan can allow my magazine to be recognised . It informs the readers that they can find a lot of useful content about music. The tagline would also give the readers an insight that they will be reading or "discover" great music while they read the magazine.
Main Image: The main image of the magazine is of Tinie Tempah who is a very well known british Hip-Hop star, this would be good for the magazine as it would once again attract many customers to buy the magazine as they know who Tinie Tempah is and what genre of music he is. Tinie is wearing sunglasses which causes a sense of mystery around him however he is wearing smart attire that would contradict to him wearing sunglasses. I can also see that he is wearing a watch which would seen to be very stylish that would go well with the smart theme of Tinie who looks very well groomed. 
Cover lines: The cover lines are presenting the names of artists that would be included in the magazines that would also be in the collection that this particular issue is involved with, "The music that changed my life" shows that for the 25th anniversary of the magazine "Q" acts such as "Jay-Z" "Coldplay" and "Arctic Monkeys" are all available to collect when buying the magazine, this would be very attractive for customers as it would cover a large amount of genres of music and therefore the consumers would be able to choose what issue they would want to purchase and not purchase every single one of them.
The headline: Another big element that is very visible is the headline – “Tinie Tempah x”. It is presented in a big font coloured simply in white. This clearly implies that Tinie Tempah's the main focus of this particular issue. 

Contents page:

This particular contents page is very effective, it allows the reader to easily read the contents of the magazine while still looking very professional with photographs scattered around the page in various locations, The image is a full picture on the lead singer from the band "Foo-Fighters" this shows the difference in genre of music that can be seen in the magazine with the Foo-Fighters being very strongly linked with rock and metal music. On the side of the full scale image there are pages and pages numbers that are clear to see and understand on the right hand side of the magazine, this would be very effective for the reader as they are able to see what page they would be able to turn to it also has a larger picture in the top left hand corner, this could be a future issue of the magazine to excite the reader into buying the magazine next week.
Colours: The colours used in this particular magazine contents page are varied, the main striking image is Red this would be a very powerful colour and would attract the readers attention with the eye catching colour.  The colour red is complimented well with the colours white and black that is surrounding the image and the subheadings and headings around it. Having the black text on a white background would make it easier to read and also look very professional.

Double page spread:         
What is first noticeable about this particular double page spread would be the large image of the band The Vaccines usually a double page spread would be have one page being the photograph and one page being the text however this example is almost three quarters of the page is the photograph. From the image I can see that there is one man who is in front of the rest of the men, I interpret this as the man in the front of all of the men is the leader of this group and therefore would be more dominant or there would be more empathises on his importance compared to the others in the magazine. They appear to the audience as very organised musical band. The headline is presented in a bigger font written in black. I believe that this colour was used to contrast the white background and make the headline more bold, this would gain readers as it would be more easily read and would also look professional.
The main article part includes the text which is presented in two columns.This would make the double page spread look more professional and in my opinion would show that a considerably amount of time would be taken in the making of the magazine all of these factors would improve the overall feel of the magazine as the consistent high standards would be shown throughout the front cover, contents page and also the double page spread.  There are also some little blue elements included all over the double page spread. This brings some more joyful to this page when compared to all dark-theme colours including the dominance of black. This makes the pages apeal more aesthically pleasant and more eye-catchy.

NME Magazine

Front Cover

Masthead: The masthead present for the NME magazine would be very effective in my opinion, it would easily grab the attention of consumers due to the bright red colour which is present in a rectangular shape with letters inside the box reading "NME" the simplistic masthead would in my opinion be effective in many of the same ways "Q" magazine would be effective, The magazine would have a very short name and would therefore be very easy to remember, the consumer could also use colour association when remembering "NME" they will remember the colour red and the simple logo in general. The white text would be effective because it is very simple and basic but you compliment the colour red. On the side of the magazine I can also see that the publishers have presented the date the magazine has been issued, this would be a unique feature as it is not in a usual horizontal position and however is in a vertical position. 
Main Image: The main image of the magazine is very striking, the black and white picture has been used, I believe that this is to contradict the bright and colourful masthead that I have discussed before, I can also see that the key feature to this magazine would be Noel Gallagher, Gallagher's face in the image is very serious and is staring directly into the camera, this would make the magazine cover more personal and therefore would make the consumer want to buy the magazine. Gallagher's nose is also not correctly shaped, this makes the photograph more menacing and more serious as the picture is a close up there is no way of avoiding the imperfect nose and would therefore be a captivating and intriguing image for the consumer to look at. Noel Gallagher however is wearing very professional clothes with what looks to be some sort of suit he is wearing, this would contradict his demographic location as he is notorious for being from Manchester which is associated with working class people. From this front cover I believe that NME is a very serious brand that offers a wider range of music as Noel Gallagher is not normally the ideal musician to use as a model. I can also say this as names such as "Ed Sheeran" and "Marylin Manson" are mentioned in as features from subheadings around Gallaghers head. 
The price: The price of this certain magazine is presented on the barcode of the magazine which is positioned in the unusual position of the middle right side of the magazine, From my research upon NME magazine I can say that a subscription of NME magazine will cost: ££122.40  and a standard single issue would cost : £1.88, This would be considerably more than subscribing to clash magazine however from researching I have found out that on a subscription for 12months "NME" will publish 51 magazines and "Clash" will publish 12, meaning "NME" would be published more frequently and therefore meaning "Clash" would spend more time on there products and probably to a higher standard with more content and features.
Target Audience: From my research I can infer that the target audience of this magazine would be around 25 years old, this is due to the genre of music in the magazine mostly being rock and pop which would be associated with younger people, I can also say that the target audience would have a majority of men readers with 73% of readers being Male. The majority of "NME" readers would represent the features "NME" would present, this would be a new young and trendy way of living and would also enjoy films and technology.

Contents page:

Layout: The layout of NME's contents page would be very basic however would be very easy to read what exactly is featured in the magazine and what pages the specific features are, on the top of the page I can see that the NME logo is present at the top of the page, this logo would be effective as it has a red background and therefore would look very professional as it would strike and clash with the solid colure of the white background that is behind it. Each of the subheadings are outlined in a black box this would be effective as it would give the reader a way of finding what is important under specific headings, the page number is also next to the subheading allowing the reader to skip to the pages they would want to read. The page is split up into three sections that are the regulars in the magazine, the special features who in the issue of the magazine would be Noel Gallagher and the lastly it would be a list of bands that are on the charts at the time this magazine was issued. 
Colours: The colours in NME's contents page would be varied and would look similar to "Q" magazines contents page, the same colour selection was used being Red, White and Black, The red once again would be the most striking colour and would brighten up the otherwise dull page The black and white theme has now been apparent throughout the magazine with also the front cover being a portrait image of Noel Gallagher which would also be in a black and white format. Black text boxes were placed around the contents page with a white coloured text inside the box creating a contrast therefore meaning it is easier for the consumer to read, this would make the magazine look very professional. There was very little typography used in this contents page with all very basic fonts used for the headings, subheadings and filler text.
Images: There is one stand out image of this magazine and that would be the picture placed in the middle of the contents page with musician "Mark Ronson" in a medium close up shot that is a portrait image, this image would give much need colour to the contents page with the publisher using a bright green background behind Ronson's head, This is complimented with Ronson's darker green blazer that he is wearing, this colour would make the contents page more attractive and would also allow the readers to see if they like Mark Ronson therefore would skip to his feature within the magazine.

Double page spread:  

In this particular magazine the double page spread seems to be mostly a photograph, however this photograph would completely go against the theme of the issue so far which has been predominantly black and white, this image is very colourful with a vast array of different shades of blue and green grass in the background. The imagery in this image is aesthetically pleasing with what looks to be a luxury setting around the sole man in the middle of the image who is wearing modern clothes. On the far right side of the double page spread you can see that there is a small amount of text that is outlined in a white text box allowing easy acsess to read the text. The heading is also in a bright yellow box distinguishing the heading and then then filler text. This would be effective as it allows the reader to know what the feature is about and wether or not they would like to read it, using yellow would also make it more unique and add colour once again to the double page spread.


Front Cover

Masthead: The masthead of this magazine is bold which uses the colour pink. This contrasts with the plain background of white, which makes the masthead of the magazine stand out to its target audience this would be extremely eye-cathing and would gain more attention compared to other existing magazines that could be competition. The calligraphy makes the magazine stand out. The usage of bright colours will attract the fashionable young audience which is Vibes target audience the bright colours will also go well with the featured artists who usually are very eccentric. Therefore, it also shows that masthead has been slightly the audience must be covered by the image of the dedicated to the magazine and buy it constantly. This holds connotations reinforces the idea that of identity and loyalty for its magazine is loyalty to its audience. It shows that the audience will be able to tell the identity magazine makes the without seeing the full masthead. audience feel apart of it.
Main Image: Image The dominant image of this magazine shows a well- known artist. This will instantly attract its target audience Akon is very well known and people who may not like Vibe however like Akon would buy the magazine as they would be interested in the cover artist, The image overlaps the masthead. This suggests loyal customers will purchase this magazine as it is a well-known name. The image is a Long mid shot which will help to promote to the audience that the magazine is of an R&B genre of music, and therefore will be interested to read it if they are interested that particular genre. The image itself is black and white, which also reinforces the idea that the genre of music is R&B as most of the videos are known to be set in black and white. Therefore, appealing to its audience. This also helps the rest of the headlines to contrast and stand out, attracting the audience with its eye-catching colours. The artist is seen to be top-less which could appeal to both males and females, potentially attracting new audiences. The artist is also shown with what looks to be expensive jewellery which helps to promote to its high-waged audience and if their interested in fashion.
Banner: The banner or boost helps to sell the magazine. It is bold and fits in with the colour scheme. The headlines flow around the image, which also acts as boost. The headlines are a convenience to the audience as people read form left to right. The banner is black which again contrasts with the other colours used to help promote the magazine. The fans will notice the banner due to it being placed at the top of the masthead and recognize the bands shown.
Strap-lines: The main headline says ‘AKON’ this relates to the dominant image of the front cover. By supporting the image, this headline will pull the audience into seeing what is in the contents of the magazine. The strap- line underneath ‘AKON’ explains to the audience what the main title of his article is. The headlines and strap-line are used with contrasting colours to stand out to the audience; it also helps to determine the difference between them. The strap-line saying ‘R&B for real’ then listing artists of this genre, will potentially targets the main target audience for this magazine. This suggests that the magazine is aimed at serious music fans of this particular genre, and therefore attracting the audience. The listing of the well-known artists underneath the main strap-line acts as anchorage to tell the audience what the magazine will be aimed at, just with a glance at the front cover. This strap-line acts as a ‘plus’ column in the lower right hand corner. These show a variety of different artists which are of a similar genre to the rest of the magazine. Again, appealing to its target audience. It helps to create the magazine more diverse then the mainstream, which could therefore gather new people to buying the magazine. The colours used are similar to the rest used throughout the front cover which follows the same house style for the magazine. The colours are of contrast to each other which makes them stand out due to them being placed at the bottom of the page. However, this aspect is quite unconventional to its audience as it is situated at the bottom right, which makes it more difficult for the audience to read as we read from left to right, top to bottom.
The priceVibe magazine subscribers pay £9.95 for 6 issues which works out at £1.60 a magazine I feel that this isa very cheap price for the magazine and I feel I can charge more for the magazine I am going to create.
Target Audience: From the research I have conducted I have been able to create a demographic that the Vibe target audience would consist of 
Demographics Results :
Men 55% Women 45% 
Age: 18-24 35% 18-34 67% 21+ 82% 35+ 29% 
Median: Age 30 
Education: Any college 55% Currently in college 20% 
Employment: Employed 62% HHI Income $52.5k Black /African AMERICAN 75% White 15.9% Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino 12.4% Asian 1% Other Race 11.3% 
TOTAL AUDIENCE - 2,400,000 (2011)

Contents page:

Large V to indicate that the “V” in Vibe magazine is important. The magazines logo also includes the issue of the magazine underneath. The title ‘Contents’ has been placed in a different approach to other magazines. This makes the title contrast with the dark red background. The background colour is a dark red to red gradient. This makes the hip hop artist stand out even more the red in the background of the contents page could also represent danger or intimidation this would be suggested by the way the rapper is staring dirtily into the camera . It also makes the spot light on him, showing he’s the main focus on the contents page. Topless rapper to show body tattoos. This suggests that tattoos are a strong part of the hip hop stereotype. The artist is holding a mask to possibly suggest that he is wanting to gain a unique image that he isn't afraid to mask from the public. Subheadings located in capitals to made it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for. The title features is a curved fancy text. This looks like a classical text for a hip hop magazine due to its originality

Double Page Spread:

When looking at this double page spread there is various different features that make the double page spread effective. A combination of layout features make the double page spread very effective. features such as the colours.

The colors that are used on this magazines double page spread are predominantly blue, white and black. these colors allow the double page spread to stand out and also make Bruno Mars himself stand out. when background colour on the right hand side of the image is white, this is due to the fact that the text colour is black creating a contrast which then makes it easier to read for the consumer. It uses a combination of different fonts and font sizes when looking deeper at the text , This is effective as it distinguishes important points of the double page spread and less important parts. The colors represent a clean look which is also quite calm due to the off colour blue, The blue is a gradient which also contains the color white which matches the background of the text. 

The image dominates the double page spread as it is interesting and out of the ordinary. The large prop of a jukebox shows that Bruno Mars is a musician if the consumer is not already aware of this. The model has props such as a fedora hat and also sunglasses, this make the model mysterious as the face cannot be easily identified. This creates the urge to find out more about the artist by reading the magazine. The magazine takes one side of the double page spread, This shows that the text is equally important as the content of the magazine. The actor looks stylish and trendy which could indicate what type of music the musician makes, with trendy clothes meaning the artists is usually associate with a modern form as music such as Pop music or indie. 

The layout of the double page spread is effective as it splits the page into two sections. The left hand side of the double page spread is the image of the actor which I have already discussed and the right side of the double page spread is the content. This makes it very easy for the consumer to read, There is also a barcode of some kind on both of the sides of the double page spread. This seems to be a house style that Vibe have used to make the double page spread more aesthetically pleasing.