Friday 13 November 2015


In this Blog I will be showing my progression through my AS Media studies, I will be using programs such as, PowerPoint, Photoshop, In Design Using these program's will allow me too create a magazine that is based upon school life, During this year I will be also using photography to create a magazine that could be shown to represent school and sixth form in general.

My preliminary task would consist of me creating a magazine upon school life and more specifically sixth form life in general, this task would involve me making a front cover and also a contents page for this magazine, I will be using school resources such as In Design and school equipment such as the camera.

My main task will involve me creating a Music themed magazines, I will research in many different ways to create a replica of a magazine that can look professional, I have been asked to make a front cover a double page spread and also a contents page, this would be easily made by using in design and other photo manipulation software.

During this course I will be hoping to expand my knowledge upon using different softwares to create a very professional end product. I hope to learn various skills that would help me when making my final product, I will be learning this from the experience of my preliminary task which would prepare me well to later on create my music magazine. I hope to gain a level of understanding of the codes and conventions of a existing music magazine. In order to acheive this I must firstly be prepared in lesson and fully cooperating in class. Some barriers to this may be time management and getting all of my coursework complete in the time given to me by my teacher. This would be crucial however I believe that I am up for the challenge.

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